Leif Ericson

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  • AussieMummy

    I need a great book for kids aged 10 – 8. I can’t find anything at my library or online. I know BF has a book, Leif The Lucky is it worth it? I’d have to have it shipped overseas you see.. Anyway I have a child desperate to know more then the small snippet we heard/read and I’d like to get him a really good book. 😀

    Rachel White

    Leif the Lucky is good and worth it. However, I must say that my children (ages 9 and 10 at the time) and I enjoyed and learned so much from Elizabeth Janeway’s The Vikings.

    The amount of information was outstanding and the writing was excellent, too.




    “My Little Viking Cousin from Long ago” is a historic fictional story that includes Lief the Lucky and him coming to North America.  It is a good read.   It can be read for free from Heritage History website, or you can get an ebook version for about $2 from them which I think includes the mobi (Kindle) format, epub, and pdf.    


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