Update: my ds9 is using book 1, grades 4-6 this year of Artistic Pursuits. It is mostly independent, unless he has a question or hard time thinking of what specifically to draw, which is rare. He is good at drawing anyway, but he always draws the same things in his free time. This gets him drawing different things and trying different techniques. We are 12 weeks into it, at lesson 25 and he likes it. I plan to do more books in this series. I try to find used books for $20 to $25. RR has put together their own art kits to go with these books that are reasonably priced. The other art class I have thought of trying is seethelight.com on dvd. But so far Artistic Pursuits is working for us. My younger daughter is using Draw Write Now for drawing and copywork. I tell her that her drawing should look like hers and not a copy of the one in the book. We also do observation drawing through nature notebooks weekly.