Learning to draw…where do we begin?

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  • Debra Romeo

    My children and I are quite bad at drawing. Emphasis on quite! Lol. I used to think that you were either born an artist or not, but I have now come to believe that you can truly learn how to draw. My question is how??? I’m just naturally really bad. I don’t know how to draw what’s in from of me and neither can my children.

    What books/resources would you recommend for my children and me? I prefer something fairly simple. I don’t expect our nature study journals to be a piece of art per se, but I at least want to draw a bird, and recognize that it is a bird. Lol.




    When we start we look for books that highlight the next part you draw in a different color.  Draw Write Now books are a good example, check out Pinterest and you’ll see examples from inside the books.  A ton of free drawing tutorials like this are at Art for Kids Hub.  Here is one of their pinterest boards with many of their free ones in one place.  http://www.pinterest.com/artforkidshub/afkh-step-by-steps/

    Also, books that have you draw based on shapes can help you start to see what makes up something you are going to draw.


    Alicia Hart

    Also, the site   http://www.How2DrawAnimals.com

    has worked well for us!


    We’re really enjoying Draw Write Now too.  I have my daughter do one lesson a week and really go slow and focus on doing her best.  Often, we’ll color together too or I’ll draw alongside her.  We don’t use it as a strict curriculum, but we’re really enjoying it.


    We’ve been using lessons from Drawspace.com.  They have many lessons available for free.


    If your children are into Disney at all (and even if they’re not), this is a brand new book, and it’s really good. It’s not specifically drawing, it talks about many different elements, but our children are really enjoying it:



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