Learning Styles??

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  • CJKJ

    Do you all teach differently if you have children who have different learning styles?  My first grader seems to be more of a tactile/kinesthetic learner.  She loves using math manipulatives and we have some tile games that she enjoys doing.  


    i thought I read somewhere in one of my CM books that she didn’t necessarily adjust to the different styles of learning.  


    I am 3 weeks in to my first year homeschooling and I don’t see that she is really engaging with our material in subjects where we are reading aloud.


    Any suggestions?


    The narrating can take on so many different styles that it does allow for different learning styles.You could take a look at these posts for some ideas.







    In our homeschool, I do tailor my assignments a bit to fit my children’s learning styles.  I try to meet them where they are.

    For example; my eldest is 11.  She can do oral narrations wonderfully and also write well.  However, she would rather draw; so I try to make sure she has ample opportunity to draw narrations too.  She is very visual.  She needs lists to get things done and organization.  I try and provide that for her. 

    My second daughter is very auditory.  She has trouble reading, and would rather listen to words being said or music being played.  So, I try to shape our curriculum to accomodate her as well.  She loves audio-books.

    We’ll see how the other two turn out:)

    Hope I helped somewhat.  I am not thinking well this morning…where’s the coffee?

    In Christ, bridget


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