Learning more than one foreign language

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  • 3kidsmama

    Hello-  Ive been seeing how in CM’s day her highschoolers were learning 2 or 3 languages at a time and just was wondering if any of you try this with say, Latin or Koine Greek and a modern, living  language at the same time?




    This is our 3rd year doing Hebrew, Greek and Latin and it’s been working well for us.  We do Latin everyday and Hebrew and Greek twice a week.  This year we also added French which we do once a week on Fridays. 

    blue j

    We started out the year with a continuation of Spanish and started French and German.  However, we set Spanish to the side for the older two since they’ve gone through 2 years of it.  German is too much for youngest on top of the French, and my 17 yo is simply more interested in French. 

    They have all gone through 3 years of Latin, but youngest will start Latin again in 2 years when I think she’ll be ready to really get into it again.  15 yo may pick up where she left off starting next year depending upon how our schedule turns out, and 17 yo wants to simply concentrate on French.  I think youngest may be like 17 yo in that she just focuses well on one language at a time.  15 yo picks up languages so easily it’s hardly even any work for her to learn.


    We’ve done Latin, Greek, and Spanish. We tried a little French also. I teach the Latin with a DVD course and workbooks. They did Greek with a workbook course and I sent them to the public school for Spanish class.

    My 22 year old daughter is graduating college this May with a Classics major. She focused on Greek but now she is adding in more Latin because she wants to teach and it is easier to get a job teaching Latin than Greek. In fact there is a national shortage of people to teach Latin. She did Latin, Greek and Spanish all at the same time when she was homeschooled. The rest pretty much did one or two at a time.


    Can anyone give me recommendations for an inexpensive but effective program for teaching young children koine greek? Thanks.


    Hey, Andrew, Teach Me Some Greek is good and not too expensive.

    The Bluedorns have an alphabetarion and a copybook with activities for young children and it is inexpensive.

    Biblical Greek 4 Kids isn’t bad. 

    Classical Academic Press has a Song School Greek.  It IS higher than the above-mentioned BUT their materials are really, really excellent.  You could decide just to get part of it now, I suppose. 

    Elementary Greek says it can be taught 2nd grade and up, but IMO it might not catch a young child’s attention–how young are yours?



    @Sue in MN, which Latin program are you using that has a dvd?? I know alot of them do, and have decided between a few alread, but I was curious.



    I’m not Sue, but we used Latin for Children, which comes with a dvd.  We liked it.  It comes from Classical Academic Press, which also does the Song School Latin for younger children and Latin Alive for olders.  



    Thank you.


    I’m not Sue either but we use Visual Latin which has a dvd or online videos.  So far we love it.  Haven’t ventured into Greek yet but we’re also learning Hebrew and Brasilian Portuguese.  The two youngest are begging to do Chinese.  Not sure if I’m ready for a fourth language yet….and one that’s so difficult!

    Sara B.

    Wow, I can hardly keep up with 1 foreign language (teaching anyway – the kids often catch me speaking 1 sentence using 3 different languages!  LOL)!  We are doing Spanish only right now, but I want/need to add in more, especially for my oldest.  I have a 9yo, 8yo, 5yo, and 3yo.  I will stick with Spanish for the younger 2 for sure, and I want to continue Spanish with the older 2, but when could/should I add in another?  Are you all starting out learning 3 at once, or are you staggering the starting years (like for example, Spanish year 1, Spanish and French year 3, Spanish, French, & Latin year 5)?

    Rachel White

    We started w/Modern Hebrew in Elementary (age 6);

    Latin for Children this next year w/son stb 12, dd will begin LfC the year later when she’s 12/13;

    Then Koine Greek and Biblical Hebrew in 9th gr. I may not require my dd to do Greek, but Biblical Hebrew will be fine since it’s not a whole lot different from Modern; I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.

    I also was told that Greek is easier after learning Latin.


    I think it is great that so many have been teaching their children so many different languages. I personally speak German as a second language and have been teaching my children. I have found that to be proficient in a language it is good to master at least one language before moving onto another.  This is just my personal opinion but having spoken German and then trying to learn spanish I would have a problem sometimes using my German. I would get looks from my Spanish speaking friends. 🙂

       However, When I meet people from Europe. They seem to understand me more because they usually know more languages.  We can usually fill in the blanks if they know a different dialect of German and a little Spanish or French. It does have its advantages to know some words in other languages. I just found that it is easier to speak one language at a time fluently before moving onto the next….

       Q:   How do you know that you KNOW a foreign language fluently?

        A:    When you are dreaming and can speak it in your dream and understand what they are saying to you..

                                Tehe he 🙂

    Good Luck to all of those who are learning a foreign Language….

               Blessings!  Because it is always nice to be able to speak to those who come to this country and can’t speak English…



    This is a great free site for learning Koine Greek. Once you know the alphabet and the sounds the letters make, this is the next step. My eight year old daughter is doing this successfully now. I emailed the gentleman who put this site together and he responded quickly and kindly.

    Also, we are studying three languages right now, at different levels. Latin, Greek, and Hebrew.

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