Learning Language Arts through Literature?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics English & Grammar Learning Language Arts through Literature?

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  • Steph3433

    Hello everyone,

    I searched for any threads on this program and found some old ones.  Wanted to find someone who uses LLATL currently.   I am interested in using it this year with my children.  Have already purchased several of the levels, but looking through the books I am just not getting how to organize this into daily work, as there is no specific plan.  Should I require a certain amount of pages per day or what?  So I am wondering if anyone can share with me how they use the book?  Also, I would like to hear some thoughts on both ends, likes and dislikes.  Care to share anyone?  Trying to decide how or if to use it at all this year.  My children are 5th and 8th grade.  Also will have a 6th and 9th grader who will be joining us.  Will this require too much on my part, having so many different grade levels or can they mainly do the work on their own?


    I’m using it with my 3rd grader. I try to get a lesson done in a week. So, I have him do however many pages that will take (1 or 2 pages).


    We used LLATL this year and completed a lesson per week.  The lessons were divided into 5 sections, so we completed one section of the lesson each day.  It seems like there were 28 or 32 lessons for the year, so you have a bit of leeway when you need to shorten your schooldays or they need more time on a lesson.

    The book studies were set up differently and I think it discussed different ways of working through them in the beginning of the teacher’s manual.  I assigned them a chapter each day (in addition to their normal lesson).  When they finished the book, the went through the book study in place of their normal LLATL section.

    I did skip some parts of the lessons, especially those I felt were just busy-work.  This was more for the red book…I didn’t skip much in the orange and tan books.  You DC should be able to do much of the lessons on their own.  I did help my 4th grader a bit, but my 7th grader was fine for the most part.  I only checked her work and helped a few times with writing or grammar.


    Thank you ladies, and just making sure there are no others using this who could comment?

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