If your referring to Leading Little Ones to God, I’ve been using it this year with my ds 5. It’s very informative, however I don’t think he likes it that much. I’ve also found it to be a little “doctrine” based instead of teaching bible stories. I guess I feel the author is giving a bit of her opinion and I’ve had to tweek it a little according to what we believe.
This of course is just my opinion. I’m sure, as I have read reviews of it in the past, others will say they love it. I myself prefered reading A Child’s Story of the Bible by Catherine Vos. My children and I loved the year we read this and we learned a lot. But be prepared to even add some of your own beliefs with Vos, keeping a bible close at hand for reference. This is true of just about any bible study books.
I didn’t like it. The tone bugged me. If I remember correctly I think it used things like being “naughty or “bad” a lot. It did not adress the heart and the Holy Spirit’s work in you the way I wanted.
I have also tried using this resource. It was definatley not a good fit for us, and after a few weeks I put it aside. It was not engaging and it felt very scripted. For example each lesson has a section called Prayer and for Lesson 14 this is what is says under Prayer:
(When we pray to God, we call to Him and He hears us. Shall we pray to Him now?)
Oh God, our Father in heaven, we are so glad that we can call Thee by name. We know Thou wilt hear us. Bless us dear Lord; and help us to honor Thy holy name. Amen
I certainly don’t want my kids to think that they have to pray with fancy words such as Thee, wilt, Thy and Thou!
I second Rebeka’s suggestion. We really enjoy reading A Child’s Story Bible by Catherin Vos.
I agree with the previous posters. It isn’t a Bible storybook, it is more doctrine based. I liked it for that reason — it gave opportunity to explain some things that kids might not even know that they don’t know, if that makes sense.
When there was something in it that I didn’t quite agree with, we talked about that and I would substitute other words sometimes. I skipped the questions and the scripted prayers and we just did it CM style with narrations and discussion. That’s not to say that there might not be a better book out there to do the same thing. I’d be interested in suggestions if there is.
I use it like jeaninpa does. I wasn’t raised in a Christian home, so I appreciate some help in the area of doctrine. My husband is pulled into our discussions, if need be. You should choose something else for Bible stories though. We enjoyed Egermeier’s Bible Story Book.
I was going to start using it this year. If I was to use Leading Little Ones and a Bible story book would i alternate days or something? How would you break down the scheduling for each?
I thought the lessons were good for giving kids basic Bible doctrine. We only read the lesson and I think I adjusted the prayer to a more conversational tone. We didn’t do the other activities. I thought it was a helpful book. Blessings, Gina
Leslie, maybe bible story at bedtime and Leading Little Ones 1-2 times a week during school time? If you’re wanting to finish in a certain time frame, then you’ll need to calculate that out. I just read something til we’re done, then move on. HTH!
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