LDTR; which to start when nearly due with new baby?

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  • GarciaFamily

    Hello fellows!

    I’ve recently received my Laying Down The Rails bundle! After watching the DVD and reading some, I really want to start with cleanliness because we all need it. However, I am 36 weeks pregnant and due with DS 2 on 7/28. This momma is tired and the cleanliness habit will not be happening realistically.

    I have a nearly 5-year-old (in early August) DD and nearly 2-year-old (in mid-July) DS. (As well as two senior pugs and a cat…)

    Despite exhaustion, I was wanting input on a habit you would choose if this had been your situation. What would you consider doable to start with considering? What do you think could be neglected for a week or so after the upcoming birth and gone straight back into without too much derailment?

    Thanks in advance for your opinions/advice!

    -Momma Garcia


    We did cleanliness awhile back and instead of focusing on everything, I picked one area I wanted them to improve on.  We went with brushing teeth, flossing, and rinsing.  It was much easier than focusing on such a broad habit…and I only needed to think about it twice a day.  😉

    If I were you I’d work on one small area.  Teeth, getting dirty clothes to laundry hampers, picking up bedrooms twice a day, or something similar.  I often have a sign up for a reminder of the new habit which helps as well.


    Yes! Just what I was looking for 🙂


    Thanks Holly!

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