Laying Down Rails book(s)

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  • Marie


    I’m brand new to SCM and have just finished listening to the audio companion for LDTR. I am contemplating purchasing LDTR and LDTRC, however before I do I’d like to hear from some of you that have used these.

    Here’s my situation. I have 5 children ages 14 months to 14 years. They really are pretty good kids but we have not been consistent with our training and some of them have pretty strong personalities, so we now spend most of our days arguing, yelling, and demanding our own way. Notice I said “we.” They learned from their mom, unfortunately.  I am constantly trying to come up with consequences for arguing or not obeying me the first time and it just doesn’t seem to help. I nag, a lot!

    LDTR makes sense in that it’s supposed to create a habit. My question is, how.  For example, how do you create a habit of obedience without having punishment. On the audio she talked of repetition and motivation but I can’t really get my mind around how that might look when teaching obedience or dying to self.

    Okay, so my main question is this. Do these books offer practical advice for implementing this habit training? I’ve looked at the samples and I’m not really seeing how this will work. Maybe there’s something I’m not seeing? Also, would you suggest both books or would the LDTR be adequate? I do love the stories in the LDTRC book that I’ve seen in the sample 🙂

    Thanks for taking the time to help!


    I’m using LDTR4C and really like the stories to help emphasize whatever we are working on. If I were only going to get one, I’d get that one.


    …wondering if anyone would reply to this.  This wasn’t my post but I’m wondering the same thing!  How to put into practice Habit Training.


    Sonya’s blog series on Habits was pretty helpful in this regard.  I plan to go back and reread it myself, when we get going with LDTR4C this year.

    Maybe that might provide you a few ideas?


    Ha! the training is for us parents and not really the children…..or at least that is the gist that I have learned from the books. I have both.

    So, how did they work for me? I did the schedule and read the stories and still do and the kids seem to enjoy them, but the LDTR books are what I keep reading over and over until I change what I do or react.

    I use to nag all the time, but now we have a chore chart and there are expectations that have been made clear and when they are not being met, my kids, ages 10 & 11 get a post it note that says NO ELECTRONICS today, you are smart and you will figure out why. Correct the problem and we will talk.   I am no longer going from room to room telling them what I am unhappy with. I was taught how to place the responsibility onto my children’s shoulders. My children were not happy at first, but now, we live in harmony most of the time. They are better for it and our relationship is certainly better for it and now they have better skill sets in their tool boxes as well for becoming an independent capable adult. Would I have figured this out on my own eventually? I have no earthly idea, but LDTR helped me get there and helps keep me there. I refer to it from time to time when I forget my goals.

    I hope this helps. Just know that it doesn’t tel you step by step what to do or what will work, but it provides the information you need to get you to your destination, but you are the most important part, not the kids.

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