Latina Christiana Help

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  • amandajhilburn

    A very sweet lady gave me 2  sets of Latina Christiana 1 a while back and I believe my children are now ready use it. The dvds are very helpful since I know nothing about Latin. It really looks great, but we do not have the teacher’s book and I’m not so sure how to plan this correctly.

    Do we do one lesson a week and review vocabulary daily? Anyone who has any experience with this…please help 🙂




    We used Latina Christiana I last year. In my opinion, the teacher guide is essential to the program. It includes more than just the student workbook with answers. However, to answer your specific question… Yes, it is set up to do one lesson a week with a review built in after so many weeks. The flashcards were essential for us too. You can make these easily with index cards and don’t need to purchase the set. You can take a look at a sample of the teacher guide if you visit the Memoria Presss website. It is  If you click on the “Latin” link on the left hand side of the page, it will take you to their various latin programs. Click on Latina Christiana I and there will be samples for you to take a look at. Hope this helps.



    Thank you! Yes, that helps. I ordered the teacher’s book on and I’ll get some cards made up for vocabulary.

    Thank you again,



    You are very welcome. FYI… at times, LCI can get kind of dry (especially if your kids are younger), however I would add in games like “Jeopardy” and “Cross the Room” to add a little fun. I also found some great notetaking sheets located on Once you are on the website, click on free homeschool helps at the top and select foreign language from the drop down menu. Then click on the Latina Christiana I book cover and it will take you to the notetaking pages. These pages are used during the DVD videos and were a great help to my boys.

    We really enjoyed Latin and I hope that you and your family will too.


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