Latin & Spanish … is 1 day enough?

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    I will be continuing Latin with my almost 7 year old this year.  Last year we were pretty sporadic about it and this year I will be including it on my official schedule.  (We use Song School Latin).  I also want to add Spanish in this year.  (Pondering Cherrydale Press….  I don’t think DuoLingo will work because of all of the typiong involved.)  Or maybe Song School Spanish since she really likes their Latin program.

    Anyways, our days are pretty full Monday-Thursday and I have created Friday to be a little more relaxed so I figured Latin & Spanish would fit nicely on that day.  But, is 1 day going to be enough or should it at least be 2 days?  Or should I sneak a little of both into our Memory Work during Moring Basket time?

    Also, if you use Cherrydale for Spanish, how do you like it?  TIA


    And please forgive my typos, I need to go get my coffee now.


    You aren’t going to retain much working only 1 day a week.  If you are doing it for fun, it doesn’t matter.  If you want them to REMEMBER, you are going to need more frequent work.  Barring your kids being hypergeniuses, you won’t retain much.


    @Bookworm, so do you think working it into memory work (orally reviewing words/phrases etc) would be effective or do you think a full lesson needs to be covered seveal times a week? 

    For the latin, it comes with a musical CD which we often play in the car as well.  If I get SS Spanish, it would also have a CD to listen to.  (And one of her favorite friends next door is Spanish so I’m hoping she will bounce stuff of her).  


    Yes, spending a few minutes each day on memory work and frequently playing CD’s will help.  


    I think if you cover the new material one day and do a short review on the other days you’ll be fine.  I’d want to review at least 2-3 days per week in addition to the lesson day.  For our reviews, we just listen to the Memoria Press CD for that lesson and it takes a couple minutes.  Every few weeks, we pull out all the flashcards and spend 5-10 minutes reviewing all our words.  I’ve also had them write out some Latin words in place of their regular copywork.


    Thanks guys.  Great idea HollyS about replacing words during copywork.  I will keep that as my plan then and as she gets older I may add in 1-2 more lessons per week.  But yes, daily review is in the plans.  🙂  My school year is FINALLY planned out!  Whoot whoot!  🙂


    We have been using Cherrydale Press for a few weeks and really like how short it is.  It can be done in 5-10 minutes and we really do need to hear a language more than once a week to learn it.  We have used SALSA for about a year now and my kids now talk Spanish on their own just for fun and they are proud of what they know.  SALSA really helped to instill the language for them.  My 9yr old did Duolingo for a bit but I really think it’s best for Moms or older kids.  It has helped me alot!  

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