Last night at dinner…

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  • morgrace

    So yesterday I bought some sand buckets to replace our broken ones. When we got home oldest child disappears outside for a couple hours. He returns shortly before dinner with his “nature pail” (his own words) – a collection of assorted rocks, acorn caps, a snail shell, and black crickets which he was especially proud of!

    I’m just setting food on the table and my husband looks over, noticing the bucket had made it’s way into the house and on the table, and asks “Are there still crickets in there?” to which son replies “Nope! Just slugs!” 



    LOL thanks for that I needed it!  I love those moments.  My son wanted me to put a moth in ours and I had to tell him it was still alive, which he didn’t understand it would just fly away! 




    LOL – slugs.  ICK!  I’d rather have crickets… =)

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