Language Lessons for a Living Education OR Queen Language Lessons

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics English & Grammar Language Lessons for a Living Education OR Queen Language Lessons

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  • Mellymomma

    My kids have been using Queen for a few years, but I keep hearing so much good stuff about Masterbooks new Language Lessons.

    Does anyone have any advice? They are so different! My son definitely enjoys the very short lessons in Queen, but I can’t quit thinking about the other one.


    The “grass is greener” syndrome is real in the homeschool curriculium world 🙂

    I had to start asking/reminding myself of what our (my families) goals were, what we liked about what we were using, what would be the benefit of changing, what would not work with a change… different questions. Sometimes a change was needed and helped my kids and myself, other times I had to stop looking because what we were using already was a great fit and by looking around I was finding discontentment with our choices. I also have to remember that curriculium choices don’t have to be forever. What I choose for 1st grade does not lock me into something for the next 12 years 🙂 the same even goes for methods of schooling. I see that more and more as my kids get older because their interests, gifting, struggles, personality… start to modify what works best and no 2 kids are alike 🙂


    (((Thank you Sarah))) The first thing I did after I read your post a while back was delete the Masterbooks app. I know it can be a great resource, but it can also be a great source of comparing & discontentment! I deleted FB last year so that got rid of another source of comparison.



    We have done both. We tried MB LL this year and the kids did not like it and didn’t learn much. The explanations were not all that great. We much prefer Queen LL out of those two choices. Good choice too, deleting the app and FB. I no longer have the MB app, but am still on FB for the moment. Waiting for the day when I can delete it and not look back.  🙂

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