Language Arts/Grammar Question??

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics English & Grammar Language Arts/Grammar Question??

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  • Dawn

    What exactly should I expect to be included in a Grammar curriculum?  Is it just the 8 parts of speech?  What about punctuation? Where does that fit in? Is it Grammar or is it Writing?  What about Letter writing? That is to be covered with Writing, correct?  Contractions?

    Sonya Shafer

    When Charlotte talked about grammar, she was referring to analyzing words as parts of speech, and she recommended that analysis be postponed until later grades so the children could have plenty of experience with words and language as a whole first.

    Punctuation is introduced in copy work and solidified in dictation. Some of punctuation is dependent on grammar, so those specifics can wait until after grammar has been studied.

    Contractions can be introduced in copy work and grammar as well.

    Basically, any part of English that requires simple observation to discover–like periods at the end of sentences and capital letters at the beginning, the types of sentences, commas in a series, stuff like that–can be covered in copywork and dictation. Anything that requires special analysis and study, where you’re pulling apart sentences and analyzing how the words are relating to each other, should be saved for grammar.

    Does that help any?


    Yes, Thank you Sonya.  It does make it clearer.  I have analytical grammar and was trying to figure out where the  kids were supposed to learn things such as punctuation and capitalization.  It makes sense they learn them in copy work and dictation.  Did Charlotte Mason ever do a formal study of those things in later years or just study it as it came up in those contexts?

    Sonya Shafer

    I haven’t seen any reference to a special course of study for just those. I believe it was taught in context over the years.


    Analytical Grammar makes Jr.  Analytical Grammar Mechanics that covers this, albeit in a non-CM fashion by correcting errors.

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