Landry Academy question

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  • Steph3433

    Would someone please explain Landry Academy to me?  How it works, what are generics, intensives, etc.

    Do the classes actually have instructors, etc?


    I have just a minute but here is the basic run down:

    The classes are taught live once a week for usually 15 weeks. The kids log in online and watch the instructor live, interact, and can even do live presentations for the whole class themselves (my 15yo did this for her vet class recently).  The live class is usually an hour and a half long each week. It is recorded so you can watch later if you miss class. There are assignments to turn in, quizzes, projects, tests, and all have deadlines.

    Intensives are 2 day meetings in person where you spend 2 full days focusing on a specific course/skill. Ex: you would come to a location and do a bunch of biology labs including multiple dissections two days in a row.

    Generics are credits you purchase a year or more in advance to be used for either classes or intensives (they are DIFFERENT generics, be sure you buy the right one). The perk is that you get a discount. A 15 week class that costs $400-$600 to register for a month or two before it starts can be registered for with a generic class credit you bought a year ago instead and spent only $100 on that credit. You saved yourself hundreds of dollars.

    There are summer classes that take the typical 15 weeks and compress it into 3 weeks (daily class 5 days a week for 3 weeks). These are HARD. Picture taking 4 months of class and doing the work in 3 weeks.

    Makayla took Mythology in a summer class. Then she did a semester class for Graphic Art using Adobe Illustrator. Currently she’s in Veterinary Medicine 1. In January she’ll be taking Veterinary Medicine 2 and a Criminology course.



    Thank you so much Tristan!  Very well explained.

    The 15 week classes, are they a typical 1/2 credit or full credit?

    So you have to have Skype or some sort of web cam to participate in the live classes, right?


    The classes are usually 1/2 credit I think.

    For most classes you don’t  need Skype or a Webcam. But if you have to do a live presentation you’ll need a webcam. Most laptops have them built in these days. Or you can buy one inexpensively.


    Thanks, Tristan.  That’s a great explanation.

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