Lamb's Book of Art

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  • Mum In Zion

    I’m looking for a simple to use Art instruction book/course for my kids 9 & 11.  Have any of you used Lamb’s Book of Art?

    We have never done drawing instruction so I’m wondering if this would be a good place to start.

    Blessings, Michelle


    I have not used this program.  BUT I am going to be using it for next year with my kids 6yr-15yr for a 1st time learn to draw.  I have had a lot of friends use it and they love it.  Just wanted to let you know I have heard great things and am planning on using it.

    Mum In Zion

    Misty, thank you for that positive review.  

    Do you know if it is necessary to purchase the Teacher’s Manual as well as the Student books?  The samples of the Student Books look pretty self explanatory to me, and something that older students could do mostly on their own.

    Has anyone else used these books?



    That is what I have been told, they are not necessary, but can be a big help.  I am actually looking at the DVD ones which then I wouldn’t need it at all IMO.  I am suprised no one else has mentioned comments about these as they are very heavily used in my area.


    We have not used this particular book, but we have subscribed to the artist’s monthly e-newsletter. In the fall of 2012, my youngest dd12 had the opportunity to attend one of his 3-day art workshops, and it was affordable (Mr. Stebbing allowed us a huge discount) and very helpful to her. She has never had formal art lessons but loves to draw and create things.

    If you see on his website (linked by the OP) that he is coming to your area, I’d recommend attending his workshop.


    Actually, Mum In Zion, I just realized my comments wouldn’t necessarily be helpful to you….I believe you live outside the U.S., correct? Sorry! Well, if anyone does live here in the U.S., I’d still recommend the workshop.


    Wow!  This looks great. Especially for those of us, like me, that need step by step instructions.

    Mum In Zion

    Sue – you are right, we are not in the US.  But if Mr Stebbing ever comes to Israel I am sure I could get a group together for a 3 day art workshop 🙂



    We have the book and the teacher’s book.  I have never once used the teacher book.  This is really a pretty independent curriculum.  The kid can definitely do it on their own.  However, I would recommend you actually looking at each lesson and making sure that they are doing it like he tells them to and that they are reallyputting effort into it.  The lessons seem so simple and basic sometimes that my kids have a tendency to rush through them.  Make sure they actually read what he says and that they do the techniques the way that he says.


    Have you seen Feed My Sheep?  It has a lot more instruction and is more in-depth.  I’m only bringing it up because when my daughter was 10, she thought Feed My Sheep was too basic.   She’s always been an art girl, though, so maybe it was because she had already done a lot of drawing, etc.  If I were doing a 9 and 11 year old, I would probably go with Feed My Sheep or even God and the History of Art.  They are all available on currclick and they have samples there.

    Mum In Zion

    Thanks for the comments and insight about the book.  I think for our first attempt at drawing instruction this should work well.  I want something doable so the kids drawing self-esteem will be boosted, and if they can do most of it without too much imput from me then that is a bonus 🙂  Nice to know I can get the teacher’s manual from currclick if I need extra help or ideas for the lessons.  I did look at Feed My Sheep, but I think that will be better after we have done some basic instruction first.  

    As always I appreciate the comments, thoughts, ideas and suggestions from you lovely ladies.

    Blessings, Michelle

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