LA help for 9 yr old boy

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  • SuperMamaOwl

    I’m looking for suggestions or thoughts for my 9.5 year old son who really dislikes writing.  He’s been doing ETC for the last several years and this year when I added in Primary Language Lessons, he complains and drags those lessons out.  I’ve even done most of the lessons with him orally when possible.  However, he’s done really well with the concepts.  His problem is mostly in the writing and possibly his attitude.  I guess I have three questions… Should I just put off even a gentle grammar curriculum until January when he turns 10 or even fall of 2016?  I’m considering JAG, LLATL, and Queen’s LL.  Secondly, where should I start in Spelling Wisdom?  We’ve never used it before and I’m not sure if we should follow Ms. Shafer’s planning guide for 4th grade or begin in the beginning?  Lastly, anybody have thoughts on Bravewriter?  I came across it from the Read Aloud Revival podcast (which I adore) and am curious if it’s worth the money for a 9.5 year old.  I haven’t been very good at oral narrations and was thinking her guide might help push me along with him as we transition to dictated and written narrations next year.


    My son liked Winston Grammar because the cards made it more active.  It could wait until 5th grade.

    I use the Bravewriter Daily Tips, which are a gentle way to start writing instruction. We also do narration.



    Grammar can definitely wait. I’ll second the suggestion to start with the Bravewriter Daily Email tips. They are fantastic and get your child writing. I invested in The Writer’s Jungle, Partnership Writing and Jot It Down, and we’ve pulled pieces from them all, but honestly, the tips have been the most beneficial for us. I printed them out on index cards and the kids pull one card a day and write. It’s been a fantastic fit and their writing is showing definite improvement. (Oh, if you do decide to buy BW elements, check out the homeschool buyers co-op. They have a great price on it!) 🙂

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