Kingdom Series by Chuck Black: GREAT chapter book series

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  • Mandi

    If any of you do not know about the Kingdom Series and The Knights of Arrethtrae series by Chuck Black I wanted to pass it along.  We were searching for some good read alouds after finishing Narnia over a year ago.  In less than a year we have read both of these series (12 books in all) and my kids (ages 8 and 5) say they like it even better than Narnia.  They would beg me to read them and not want me to stop. 

    The first series is an allegory of the Bible from Gen-Rev.  The second series has many allegorical themes in the times which we are living now…waiting for Christ’s return.  I look forward to reading them again and hope to bless others with the knowledge.  Here is a website for more information.

    In the meantime, if anyone knows of any great chapter books, we are floundering in search of some great read alouds.  (I’ll post that separate). 




    I have been wanting to get these! I heard Chuck Black’s testimony last yr at a HS Convention. It was very good! He came from a family who was into the occult. Who actively practiced in the basement. Amazing testimony!

    Thanks for the review!


    I keep forgetting about this series.  I have see them recommended before, but we don’t have a Christian bookstore here and I never remember to look for them at Amazon or CBD.  Thanks for bringing them to mind again.



    Library and Educational Services has them.


    My dd12 began Kingdom series a few days ago and is on book 4. She enjoys it very much though she says the writing cannot compare to Tolkien or Lewis. (That’s her opinion as I’ve not read the Kingdom series.)

    We’ve enjoyed so many great books over the years and I posted a few on your other thread.



    My boys love them and have read them over and over again.  

    Doug Bond is another great author that my boys like.


    We’re Chuck Black fans here too Laughing.

    If your kids enjoyed Narnia and the Kingdom series, they may also like the The Viking Quest Series by Louis Walfred Johnson, The Terrestria Chronicles by Ed Dunlop, and The Door Within Trilogy by Wayne Thomas Batson. 


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