King Arthur


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  • MissusLeata

    Are there any versions of King Arthur without Merlin and witchcraft?


    Hi MissusLeata. I have never seen any versions without Merlin and magic. The whole story is sorta based on magic I think. If you want to read it to littles and are concerned with the witchcraft aspect might I suggest picture book versions. They would get the story across without any confusion with whether or not it was real. In our home the Bible has always been the true Bible, no comics, cartoons etc. It seemed to make distinguishing fact from fiction a bit easier. Or just skip it till they are older. Good Luck, I hope someone chimes in with suggestions.


    In the SCM Middle Ages history curriculum, The Story of King Arthur and His Knights by Howard Pyle is assigned for Grades 7-9, but only the first part of the book. I wonder if that’s why the rest of the book isn’t read, because of Merlin and all the rest of it. I don’t know for sure, because I’ve never read it, but the part that’s assigned is just about Arthur and the rest looks to be where all the magic and wizardry is. Not sure how old your kids are, but that might be one to try. It’s on so you could preview it or read it that way without spending money on it.

    ETA: Ok, I started reading the free version and there is definitely magic in it. So that all might not be helpful.


    My kids are ages 5-11….so, we might just have to skip King Arthur for now. 🙁

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