Kindle questions

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  • kimofthesavages

    We are planning to get Kindles next month…everyone will get their own. The kids (and us!) are very excited about it. I’m new to all this. Can someone tell me if we have 5 kindles in our household can we purchase a kindle book one time but put it on all of the kindles? I created a kindle account (amazon) on my computer (pc) and I think if I understand it right, I can add books to the account now…then register a kindle (when I buy it) and put it on the kindle from the account I set up on my pc? Maybe it will make sense once we purchase the kindles, but if I could go ahead and “load” our account with tons of good books, it would be helpful. We are planning a move out of the country in a few months and hope to save space and money by putting as many books as possible on the kindles.

    Doug Smith

    You can register as many Kindle devices on your account as you would like. However, you will only be able to view most purchased books on up to six Kindles at a time. Most free books have an unlimited license. Some purchased books may have less than six licenses depending on restrictions set by the publisher. Any license restrictions will be displayed on the book’s product page.

    Yes, you can load books into your account now and then seem them on your Kindles later.


    Is the amazon kindle site the only place to get the books from (if we are buying “amazon kindles”)? And after a morning of major frustration just trying to get a receipt scanned and saved to a thumbdrive (that was unsuccessful) I think I might wish the world was not so electronic!


    If you get the Kindle with the 4G wireless (it is $50 more), you can download books directly from your Kindle as well.

    I have found the best source for Kindle books is amazon but you can find them other places.

    i have downloaded the entire series of G.A. Henty on my Kindle for $2! This in itself paid for my Kindle. You could find them FREE on other sources, but the formatting is sometimes off. For $2, the books are formatted beautifully for the Kindle.


    We just have one and we all use it, but it would be wonderful to each have one! You can set up folders on your Kindle if you are going to be sharing it though. I have “Mom’s books”, Dad’s books, “Boys’ books” …


    That’s funny, I was just about to ask a question about the Henty books. I see on amazon that some of the Henty books have many different kindle costs…like “A Jacobite Exile” has several…one is free and most others are 99 cents. Is there a difference between the two? I also saw the 2.00 one that has all the books listed. That may be worth it as a time saver instead of downloading each one individually but are they listed as seperate books on the kindle? 



    With a Kindle you can download books in Kindle format or Mobipocket format and they work well.  Most pdf files work great too, but it will not have all the features.  (ie, you can’t just change font size… and you have to scroll around a pdf file.)   You can also convert many file formats to use on your Kindle… I’ve done ones from Word.

    With the 3G Kindle you can download books anywhere you have cell coverage.  With the wifi only Kindle you can download books where there is a wireless internet connection, or download books to the computer and move them to the Kindle with the included USB cable.

    Some great free Kindle book sites

    and of course Amazon has many free books too.

    Some of the free books are better than others… some are just scanned with an OCR, so there are “typos” where the computer didn’t know what the letters were.  Some books are worth ignoring the typos, others are too annoying.  I often download free versions from various sources to find ones that are best.  But sometimes a much better version is available on Amazon for a couple of dollars… and that can be worth it.  Some versions of books will have illustrations, others won’t.    If you are looking at buying something from Amazon – remember you can download a sample chapter!  I almost always download a sample to determine if it is a good buy…. sometimes there are many versions of classic books for sale… taking a few minutes to look at the samples can help you make the best choice.

    The one limitation I found to the Kindle which I wish I had known ahead of time…  there are some libraries that have ebooks to lend (including where I live) – and the Kindle isn’t supported.  Sigh.


    What ages are the GA Henty books good for?


    GA Henty ages–most sources I’ve read say 10 and up. I do read them aloud with our 8YO as well. We can skip things if needed, but I have not found them to be too much as we read a lot of history books.


    Kim, the $2 version does have ALL of the books! It can be time-consuming to go back to the Table of Contents to find one you want, but they are listed there in alpha order. You can find the one you want and click on it, and it will take you to it. If you bookmark it, then when you go back to the Henty book, it will take you to that bookmarked page.




    LDIMom, thanks, I just purchased it. 🙂 I’m so excited that I have all 70 books which would have cost me over 1000 dollars to purchase and take with me overseas (extra luggage fee costs)! 

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