Just letting you know that Groupon just emailed me a deal for a Kindle Fire 7″ for $99. That is half is normal cost. Just an FYI in case any one is wanting to get one. This might be the deal to finally get us started (though I’m still dragging my feet and clinging to every REAL book I can get a hold of!!)
If you really only want it just for book reading you might consider one of the black and white models. They’re great for that purpose, fairly inexpensive, light weight, and the screen is more paper-like than any of the color devices.
We have a Kindle Fire and one of the black and white models. The Fire can be hard on your eyes if you are primarily using it for reading books. I always get a headache when I use it for that so I use my Kindle black and white for reading.
I was walking through Office Depot about 2 months ago and found the deal of a liftetime. They had clearanced out the Nook Simple Touch for $22.00. It was originally $99. I was going to buy two, but they only had one left in stock. I was so excited. As soon as I got home, I purchased the whole Yesterday Classics package for $49 during their big sale. So, I got the Ereader and over 220 great books for less than the original price of the Nook. Woo hoo!
The Nook is Simple Touch is just black and white but I love it. It is much easier on the eyes than the Fire. I have played around with the color models and they are not good for long reading in my opinion.
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