Kindergartener wants to 'do school'

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  • kellywright006

    Hi Everyone:
    I have a Kindergartener who wants to do school like the big kids.  🙂

    I used to have them do Primer, Explode the Code series (Get Ready for the Code A, B, C), But now that I see Delightful Handwriting and how simple it is, ETC might be moving to past past perfect exucution.

    What grade would Delightful handwriting be? I have Delightful Reading… it together? One before the other?

    I am also not seeing K on the curriculum guide (which might answer the above questions I had!) f……What isn’t ‘twaddle’ that she can do for school (to keep her busy). She really wants to write and do workbooks, but I’m hyper about no-twaddle. Any suggestions?




    I am not opposed to workbooks for my kids if they are requesting them. My 3.5 year old has been working on the “C” Rod and Staff workbook at the table while I read aloud. She keeps talking about how “cool” it is. My 5.5 (K’er) has a copywork book and also a calendar book that she does. I think it’s important not to PUSH school on a younger than 6, but especially when they see older siblings doing school, it seems normal that younger ones are interested. For my K’er, I have a list of things to do with her (including cooking/baking/cleaning/handwork) and we just take as long as it takes to get through the list and then start over. She also does board games and is read living math books by my DS (almost 8). These things are “school,” but they are fun and it’s no big deal if we don’t do them every day.


    I am just now seeing my post (laughing) there shouldn’t be an F with ……after it. That could be thought of in the wrong way. Whoops. Sorry. Wish there was an edit button.  🙂



    Personally, I think the ETC Primers are great.  There is just the right amount of handwriting in each lesson (we usually do 2 pages per day).   So many phonics books have tons of writing, but I think ETC is right on track.  So many letter workbooks have an entire page to fill with one letter!

    Other great options for phonics are sand/rice trays to practice “writing” letters, magnetic letters and a magnetic surface, masking tape letters on the floor (they can cover the letters with blocks, drive cars down them, hop along the letter, etc.).  I just picked up some cute Starfall puzzles for DD.  There is one for each vowel sound.

    I have quite an assortment of math materials for my K’er: pattern blocks (with Patternables book), teddy bear counters, geoboards, etc.  I often have her get these out when I’m working with the other DC.

    We also love the Rod & Staff preschool books.  They are so cute and work on hand-eye coordination more than anything.  My DC have all used these and they love the cut/paste activities.  Kumon has some nice workbooks to practice scissor skills as well.



    I am a big fan of R&S preschool/kinder workbooks! They are inexpensive and fun. My 2 older kids worked through them and my youngest is so excited to have his “school” books. I don’t push academics early, but he wants to do everything his brother and sister do and the R&S are a perfect fit.

    They remind me of simple cut, color and paste books 🙂


    We used Delightful Handwriting for K last year and it worked great. This year I picked up some cute Crayola workbooks in the $1 section at Target for my almost 5 YO who thinks he wants to do school but isn’t really ready. They had shapes, tracing, color coded color by number/shape/dot (hard to explain), and easy dot to dot. They had an alphabet one too but it had a lot of writing and I skipped that one.


    We use HWT, but I think any of these curricula are fine to use in kindergarten. We are also going to do a mix of MUS Primer and RightStart kindergarten math this year.

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