Kindergarten Suggestions


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  • Amy3

    Do any of you use the suggested Reading and Writing curriculum for Kindergarten? I think it is Teaching Reading and Delightful Handwriting. Any other suggestions with a CM approach? I know I don’t need something elaborate at this age but would like to have some guide to start her on the basics. And this year will be our first at CM. Thanks!


    I have been thinking about Kindergarten a fair amount lately. With my Dd I used the Phonics Museum kit from Veritas Press. I was wooed by its beauty, fine art cards, intelligent custom readers (which had an eradic progression about them), and the D’Nealian font used in the worksheets. Let me tell you, that K workbook is the mother load of K workbooks. I look at it and cringe for what I put my daughter through; and in the end gave her very little retention. What!? hundreds of worksheets didn’t pan out?! Shocker.

    Ding-ding, round 2, DS had the Explode the Code experience with a little Fun Family Phonics mixed in. His stick and ball printing is STILL poor to this day, and no amount of A Reason For Handwriting has aided that. At age 10 now, he will be trying his hand at D’Nealian (or Modern Manuscript it is sometimes called) to try to retrain his motor skills there.  He was even more difficult to teach reading to, he struggled for years. Until we got through the Explode the Code books that introduce more of the double letter to quadruple letter phonograms. Interesting. It took me years to see that he just didn’t have the phonograms he needed from the start to really unlock reading. And, once I got him going in copywork, narrations, and dictation, he really hadn’t budged much in language arts skills at all. Soon after starting copywork, he stopped asking me how to spell simple common words.

    I guess what I am saying is, Charlotte knew what she was doing. I, did not. Round 3 is about to begin and I would like to learn from my first 2 experiences. I read a blog post from a blog linked through the comments on Sonya’s blog post titled Alphabet Fun: Teaching Reading comments:

    commenter’s blog post list

    (read this post first)

    I will read a bit more there. But I think I will use a resource I have that she mentions Spell to Write and Read, to teach the 70-ish phonograms to him within a few months and leave it there, and just continue on with a more CM focus. I bet that is what delightful Reading does, gives them all the phonograms, I will have to give it a serious look at too. I all ready know from experience, the natural progression of oral narrations through to written narrations later grades really does make a good writer and thinker out of a child. I trust that. I just need to plant the right seeds to start out now.

    So there is my thought process thus far on K. I hope someone will chime in on delightful reading experience here for us. I hope you will post what you end up doing.


    I’ll be using MFW for K for the second time. I really liked it for my last K.

    I like that it is all planned out for me as I have other kids to teach as well and do not have much time putting things together. Hoping it will work as well for him as it did for his brother.



    Cedargirl…thanks so much that gives me hope and reminding me to trust her methods and give it a try. I really enjoyed reading that blog post too.  I do hope others chime in on their experience with SCM curricula for Kindergarten.

    Petitemom..I did Sonlight for K and was so overwhelmed with the amount of curriculm and regretted it. Then did MFW for 1st and 2nd and enjoyed it for the most part. I even bought K and 3rd grade for this Fall but now am most likely going a different direction after we have been learning more about CM and now SCM. I at least am done buying boxed curriculm again. But am still considering doing MFW K since I do have it and I want to ease into CM. I just can’t decide! 🙁


    We used Delightful Handwriting and Teach Your Child to Read with 100 Easy Lessons last year. I really liked DH…it was about all the writing he could handle initially. I didn’t think I could handle something hands on like Delightful Reading, but after the struggle it was to get my very active and very spacey 6 yo DS through 100 EZ Lessons…DR prob. would have been better for him. He reads ok now, just slowand not very confidently. But 100 EZ Lessons worked great for his older sister. Idk what I will use when my next one (boy) gets to K age…still trying to recover from learning to read burn-out last year!

    There’s nothing wrong with MFW K…if you think it’ll be fun and appropriate for that child, go ahead and use it. You could always sub. DH for the writing or tweak it a bit if you want.

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