I am sure up for some ideas. I posted awhile back a out kids not listening and constantly fignting and taddling.The problem is we started laying down the rails and they just seemed tl still not listen. They are all old enough to submit but they just wont. This summer is turning out to be a summer full of stress a d just wanting a vacation by myself. My kids dont really have any good homeschool families for rule models to hang around. Im in need of a good homeschool mama to chat with. Sorry to vent on here but im feeling really overwelmed anx frustrated. Ive got a college son homeand he just adds to stress. I want to raise our daughter 6 and 9 to be modest and not obnoxious. I feel like everywhere I turn im failing. I dont expect them to wear dresses every day but most. My boys do nothing but criticize and make rude remarks to one another. I just want to dig a hole. Any one out there that would like to hang out and make some new freinds? I dont want to make them sound like they are bad kids because they are not just stuborn maybe. Thanks for listening.
Do they have consequenses for their actions? Like for instance when mine make rude remarks to each or can’t get along we make them kiss and hug each other (brother and sister usually) and they usually end up laughing at each other and then it is over with. I also remind them that God has put us all in this family for a reason and that we are to lift each other up not put down. I point out to mine; “do you like being picked on and being called names?” sometimes this helps them to think about how their words hurt others. It is a struggle and some days are better then others.
You mentioned that you want your girls to wear dresses often; do you wear dresses? Often it is easier to get them to do something when it is also done by the parent. My girls used to both love to wear dresses, now the older one (11) doesn’t want to as much anymore. I don’t push it as I feel it isn’t as important as long as the clothes she does wear are still modest. Maybe pick your battles?
Sometimes it seems like our family has a rule for EVERYTHING and as I start explaining to people about this or that it sounds ridiculous. But if they aren’t listening in our family that is a sign of disrepect and the punishment for disrepecting me or their father (which never happens to him btw) is a spanking. I don’t want this to be a debate about to spank or not; that is just the way it is in our family. It isn’t often that we have to do this either. Maybe pick one or two things that bother you the most and start on those behaviors to correct first. I am sorry I don’t have a magic solution! But feel free to pm me if you wish and always feel free to vent on here. This is a great forum with lots of ladies with good advice.
When I read — I posted awhile back a out kids not listening and constantly fignting and taddling. — First thing I think of is idle hands and all that. Sounds to me and I don’t know for sure, only you could, but it seems to me that they have too much free time on their hands and this I have found leads to drama. So, I keep my kids busy with chores and then once the work is done, then they get the fun stuff and if there is any fighting, name calling, disrespect, tattle telling, well…. they loose the fun things like phone, tv, pool time etc. and they get more chores so they stay busy and nothing is a better teacher of how to get along!!
Trick is being consistent and having a list of chores ready. In time they will see that peace is better than drama and if not, well you havve a nice home at least. LOL I also will not allow my children to go with friends or have friends over if they have caused drama during the week. This really cut down on the drama for our family.
As for not listening or doing the chores you assign, well then instead of a nice meal like the rest of the family members who do their part, mine get a very nutritious meal, but not very appealing to kids. Nasty things like veggies fill their plates. this in and of itself can be quite the motivator in getting the chores done if you have very stubborn kids. Mine were jjust horrified at the prospect and so I have nevver been tested on this. HTH
Oh, Also if kids are creating drama, then I do not purchase them anything on our day to run errands in town even if it is something they have been waiting to get. No drinks, no clothes, no haircut, nothing… we have errand day once a week, so whatever they were planning on getting.. library book, anything… does not happen and they wat another week. This is for serious drama starting or one that does it all day long every day.
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