Kids are Bored Silly (Science)

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  • Angie

    I wanted to know if anyone has tried the Christian Kids Explore series. We have been reading the Christian Liberty Nature series, have done Apologia in the past, read through several living books and we have a nature walk each week. My kids, however, are bored stiff, and it’s getting to the point where they’re groaning when I pull out science.

    I have 3 wiggly boys and one compliant girl in elementary, and although my daughter can sit quietly and soak in what I’m reading, even she is starting to complain that there isn’t enough to do with her “hands.” – thus, I’m on a quest to find something that’s very hands-on. I found a link to the Christian Kids series through a friend’s fb and was curious to know if anyone had tried it. Pros? Cons?

    Anyone having any issues with science besides me?


    YES! ~~ I haven’t tried the CKE, but we had the same problems for the first half of our school year doing Science exactly as you described….so I switched to the Considering God’s Creation with SCM’s 106 Days and the girls are loving Science.  I was actually saving it for next year, due to the age recommedations (they are 4 1/2 and 7 1/2)and thought my girls would get more out of it if I waited …. but they are absorbing everything enthusiastically and having alot of fun.  I am also allowing a bit of additional time to find fun “extras” to do along the way (there are so many questions that come up and a fantastic Science museum close by) ~~we’ve stalled a bit but are getting so much more out of it this way.  I also still read the CL Nature Series books wherever I can fit them in, they DO enjoy them, but were just as restless as your family.  Good luck finding something that works!!  🙂

    Mum In Zion

    We are currently using Christian Kids Explore: Earth & Space, but have been disappointed with it. My kids are 10 & 8 and wanted more hands on science, but I’m not very creative I this area. The reviews made this book sound perfect…a teaching segment reinforced by a hands-on experiment. We have found the experiments to be lacking and the teaching sections to be dry and factual. After persevering for 6 months I am not sure what my kids have actually learnt in science this year :-). Is it too late in the year to switch curriculums? I have been looking at God’s Design for Science series at Answers in Genesis. Has anyone had experience with this science curriculum? I have heard great things about Considering God’s Creation and almost chose it when we started our school year, but the shipping to Israel was outrageous. so I went with the more affordable option (Christian Kids Explore…) but now I am regretting my choice. I hope someone else chimes in with some science suggestions.

    Blessings, Michelle


    Check out this from Scroll down to the bottom for Science. We did the Human Body Last yr! So much fun and we added Human Body copywork from curclick. You could also do a Human Body Lapbook!

    If you don’t want to do the body, you could always read a book and create a lapbook for it! My boys love lapbooks they really retain the info from it and of course it is very hands on!

    We are currently doing Apologia. But in the summer I plan on adding some lapbooks such as on Eagles. So, you could read about volcanoes and then do a lapbook. Read about birds and then a lapbook. Not totally CM, unless you get some living books about the subject. Nature stories from Among The Pond People, Among The Forest People etc..then do the lapbook.  In the Hands Of A Child has some good ones! And right now some good prices at the sale on currclick. I had posted about it earlier.

    So far my boys like Apolgogia and the notebooking journal that goes with it!



    I am having similar problem except I am the one who is bored!  We’ve done 106 Days in the past and loved it but I just recently found this:

    and this is what we’ve started on.  We are starting with the science and scientist unit: an introduction for elementary students.   We did an astronomy unit study over the summer, so I’m cutting the first unit short but am excited about all the rest!  This might not be of any use to you but I wanted to share anyway!


    I don’t know if this will help or not, but you may want to check out Young Science Explorers newsletters. Each edition has at least two experiments/hands-on activities that you can supplement with living books.


    Thank you so much for all of your suggestions. Kristen, I think you pointed out more of the problem than I was willing to admit – but they’re bored because I’m bored. I really like the link you posted and am going to structure our learning around the unit studies. I think I’d just better get off my behind and try to make it more fun for them.

    I already subscribe to the newsletters from the home training tools but after some soul-searching I realized that the problem is me. If I find a way to make it interesting for them then they will enjoy it more.

    Thanks again everyone! Wish me luck!!


    Good Luck!  Glad I could helpCool.


    I was just getting ready to look into the oklahomahomeschooler. I am glad you mentioned it. I have her “Checklist” book and I was just getting ready to go to her site after I was done reading posts here. I think this will be something for me to look into also…. Thanks Kristen..

      My kids love the nature readers. They just want to do experiments and learn more. Maybe this will give me more ideas… 🙂

    Michelle Anglin

    Sonia’s 106 days is WONDERFUl!!  We have done it twice with at 6yo, 9yo and 12yo.  Also Discovering Nature Series from is wonderful.  Very charlotte mason…both studies.  We love them both.  Hoping and praying that Miss Sonya will write another science book…hint, hint, hint!! :0)



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