Keeping Scheduled Material ‘Fresh’

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  • live2inspire

    Another question for all you wonderful mom’s:

    My children are always looking for “something new” to read and I just can’t keep up. Whenever they see a new/used/borrowed book come through our doors, they want to devour it. A blessing indeed, but I struggle with the thought of keeping those items that are to be scheduled reads FRESH, so that when the time comes to read and narrate, it’s new and exciting to them. I asked a friend about this and she says she just let’s them take whatever they want to feast on. I tried this, but my mind really leans towards hiding/putting away these items until it’s “time”. I know, I could keep a big basket full of library books, but I can’t seem to get to the library often enough to keep them going. They do have their select favorites, and they do need to consider the fact of how lucky they are to have such a library of great books at home….is it possible to spoil your children with books? (Silly question, right?!)

    What are your thoughts?

    Sonya Shafer

    I’m with you. There are certain books, art books, music CDs, and other resources that I put on a “no touch” shelf because I want to experience the “joy of first time” with my children. In a way, it is teaching them the discipline of delayed gratification. (At least, I can tell myself that when I’m tempted to give in. 😉 )


    I have what I call the “school” shelf. It’s where I put all the resources for future use. The kids know that those are not to be read yet. They can see them all, and at times, pull them off to thumb through or look at the covers, but they know they’re to go back on the shelf. It’s always an event when one comes off and goes into our schedule.

    I collect for many years ahead. I have my book lists for the whole 12 years printed (we’re in 2nd grade) and it’s always with me. I’m constantly collecting everywhere I go. Or sometimes I’ll stumble across something that will fit nicely with a particular time period or subject. All those go on the “school” shelf.

    I also collect tons of just for fun books. Library sales are wonderful for that. Sadly, classic literature is the stuff they tend to sell, so I have picked up lovely hardbound treasures galore for dimes & nickels.

    I think the anticipation is part of the fun. I’ve found a lot of books lately on Rome that will be used a couple years from now, but their curiosity has been triggered. They’re discovering Rome everywhere and can’t wait for our in depth study.

    We also make weekly trips to the library. It’s actually written on my schedule and we just made it a part of our week…so that helps keep them satisfied, too.

    I don’t know if I addressed your concerns or not, but that’s how we do it.



    Thank you both for your response 🙂 ….. you’ve been helpful. I was thinking I was being too strict if I had a “not yet” shelf, but it’s nice to know others do, too. I think what my real problem is disciplining them to wait, and learn how to patiently anticipate something good. (Time to order ‘Laying Down the Rails’….that makes it book number two on my list to buy from SCM soon.) Thanks again! 😉

    Hugs, Rebecca

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