Trying to figure it all out. If you buy the KEEP IT SIMPLE products (History/Bible/Geography, Enrichment, Individual) would you/ can you also use the CM Organizer online or are they the same thing? Whats the difference (besides one being online)?
The Keep It Simple books give you pre-made day-by-day plans to follow. The CM Organizer is blank until you put in the books and assignments you want to use and the days you want to use them; then it walks you through those one day at a time.
I like to enter the components from the Keep it Simple books into the CM Organizer in order to check off the assignments as we complete them. Since it is built to flex with real life, if I don’t get everything done on one day, it will “keep my place” in each of the various subjects and adjust everything automatically, so I don’t have to keep track of those flexes on paper. I also like having the easy Reports that I can generate in the CM Organizer to show everything each student did.
They are not the same. The lesson plans provide you with a schedule, resources to obtain and use, and teaching helps. The organizer is a tool to schedule and track progress. The organizer complements the Lesson Plans but cannot replace them. You can use either one independently.
As an example lets say you have a 2nd and 4th grader. You decide to purchase the following lesson plans:
Genesis/Egypt for history
Enrichment volume 1
Individual Studies 2
Individual Studies 4
So you have your lesson plans and now you look through and collect, purchase, borrow the resources suggested in the plans. You are now totally ready for a complete school year and can stop. But if you like to track progress and have help scheduling out additional resources, keeping track of attendance, printing reports you purchase the organizer. So lets say you are like me and love to have an electronic record. You set up your students in the organizer and use your lesson plans to enter each resource in the organizer. Since you are using the SCM resources its super simple, the resources are all in the bookfinder and you just assign them to your student. Now each day you can open your organizer and mark off whether they worked on or completed an assigment. It it were me I would hand the individual study plans to each student as their daily schedule, have them note in the book their progress, then I could enter it into my organizer. Same with the History and Enrichment, just make notes as I go then enter it in electronically. If you are using all the Keep it Simple plans the organizer may seem redundant in early years and you probably dont need it, but it is handy come Jr High and High School, and very handy for seeing progress. I tend to feel behind and often feel we are not accomplishing much, but the organizer helps me see the progress, I can run a report and see all my students have completed amd how far they have come. Sorry to be so long winded, I just know how hard it is to envision how something may work. Hope that helps a little.
Thank you to both of you! That helped immensely! I have been looking at this all for months and trying to get things clarified to make purchases. Thank you again!
I also use the CM Organizer, and it is very helpful to have those records to print or simply look back on. This is especially true at the end of the year for us as we have a portfolio of book lists and work samples evaluated by a teacher certified in our state. I can just print off a lot of what I need for that.
There is a free (basic) version of the Organizer as well as a paid version. I am not sure what the differences are, but I must say that having all of the features of the Organizer available make it well worth the few dollars per month that I pay to subscribe to it.
I realize this is an older post (and maybe before the update?), but I can’t seem to get this…
So, when using the SCM lesson plans like in the example above, if I want my student to be able to look at and follow it, do I need to add each lesson for each day? For example, in the history lessons: I have to individually add “read p. 1-3 in stories of the nations and narrate.” Or is this accomplished in some other way?
If you are using the SCM lesson plans then you would add the Early Modern or Modern guide into the scheduler. You just search the bookfinder for it and click add resource. The kind folks at SCM have done all the hard work already so the assignments are set up. For example you assign it to your student, or in my case I assign it to Family, under the subject History. Use the drop down menus to customize how you will use the resource, read and narrate, read together, complete, etc. Select which days you want to use the resource. For the guide you would use it Mon – Fri. So each day the lesson will appear. Lesson 1, Read Stories of the Nations, Pages 1-5 or whatever the lesson is in the guide. The SCM resources in the bookfinder match the physical guide so it is easy peasy. I also assign each individual resource for each of my 3 students, since they are SCM recommended the chapter breaks and assignment divisions typically line up and it is very little work for us. So I guess the short answer is no, you dont have to type all that in if you are using a SCM guide. I hope that helps and didnt make things more confusing.
Hello, I’m trying to marry the CM Keep It Simple products with the CM Organizer. I’m having a bit of a challenge. It appears that I have to manually enter each book from the “Enrichment Studies” Volume 1 and the Year of History, Geography, Bible. Is there a way to have all the books auto selected so that I don’t have to do that? I have 7 school age children so it has become a very tedious process. Also, I’m having a challenge with the required fields and believe it would be more user friendly to have many of them auto filled or set to a default. For instance, the book “Ancient Egypt and Her Neighbors” is it History, Bible, Geography? A default would be very helpful with option to change if so desired. Defaults are the very best helpful tool in a program like this and I’m wishing there were some. I would like to be able to enter in my long list of books without being required to include all the details before moving on to the next book. I am sitting at a desk with my Enrichment Studies Lesson Plans and trying to enter my list of books. I want to be able to advance from one book to the other quickly without being held up by all the details. I want the opportunity to return later to enter the details in order to formally schedule the resource. Unfortunately, the planner will not allow me to move on until all fields are selected. This has become an issue because I’m still trying to figure out the whole system and I would like to work on it one step at a time. On another note, I would love to see a section in the CM Planner that allows for TIME allotments/suggestions/goals. I’m thrilled that Sonya has included these time suggestions in her KIS planners (except for History, Geography, Bible (Please consider adding)) It is great to have a goal so that I don’t get lost in a subject to the neglect of another. Perhaps these things are already available and I’m overlooking them, but at this point I have exhausted several hours trying to make it all work. Any suggestions would be very appreciated. Thank you!
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