I’m a H’schooling SAHM to K age 9.5 and R age 3.75. This is my first full year of H’schooling and I am really enjoying it. I have learned a ton. We have made several curriculum changes this year and use more of an electic style. We moved to DFW from Portland, OR last June.
I finally downloaded and printed the free e-books by Sonya Shafer and LOVE them!! I’ve read A Charlotte Mason Education and A Charlotte Mason Companion. I loved what I read, but the e-books from the CM site really helped me understand the CM method so much more. I’ve decided to start teaching the CM way next year.
Nice to meet you! I am also new to CM and will be starting it next year with my kids.
Enjoy the website. I really love this website. My husband has been reading some of it with me and he is also excited about the changes we will be making.
Welcome! I’m fairly new to CM and to this website, and the ladies are so extremely helpful in answering questions about anything you can think up:) Ejnoy schooling and enjoy your kiddos! Adrienne
Welcome. I have also enjoyed this forum. I don’t always post a lot, it seems everyone has much better input than me and I learn so much and am encouraged by everyone.
I have 2 DD. DD 7 is 1st grade and DD 5 is doing K-2nd grade level of things. I still feel like I am drowning sometimes when trying to get things done and pick the best curriculum for them, but this site has given me so much more confidence.
My parents are in Portland. And I have extended family in the DFW area. In fact my oldest DD was born at Hugley Hospital, on the city line between Ft Worth and Burleson!! I love it down there!! We are in S. OR now.
Hi Marcee, we just moved from Birmingham, AL to Kirkland, WA (across Lake Washington from Seattle). I have 5 and 7 year old boys. This site has been very instrumental in my homeschooling journey. Welcome to the group – neighbor 🙂
Hi, Marcee. I love this site. It has been so helpful to me since I joined last November. The people on the forum are so caring and so full of knowledge. I feel that sometimes I post too much. I am transitioning to more CM style. I am a little eclectic, too. I am still trying to figure out how to put it all together. Enjoy the journey. 🙂
Good to “meet” you. I live in Arkansas, but I have a sister in law in DFW who home schools her little ones. She is learning about Charlotte Mason these past few months too! Maybe y’all can get together. 🙂
Welcome! I just joined a few weeks ago too and am absolutely loving it! I live in MO and have 4 girls 10, 9, 3, and 2. I love the “empowerment” I get in my homeschooling adventure from this site. You’re in a great place! SCM and the people here are the best! Have fun with your adventure!
Welcome! We’re so glad to have you! I have a 7yo son and a 5.5 yo daughter. We’ve been using CM methods since the beginning, and I wouldn’t change a thing. This site and this forum have been instrumental in my homeschooling journey. I heartily recommend the Curriculum Guide, the resources, Planning Your CM Education, and pretty much any other resource these SCM people have put out. My best friend lives in DFW and also uses CM.
We live in the Texas Panhandle, but used to live in Dallas. Again, welcome!
Welcome! You will find an amazing group of Godly women on this board. Every resource put out by SCM is wonderful IMHO. This is my first stop whenever I have a home educating/CM question.
Hello and welcome! I have three kiddos dd8, ds6 and dd4. We didn’t start out with CM but after a rather stressful first year and growing health problems we searched for a better, gentler method and came across SCM. It was like a breath of fresh air and we were able to keep schooling amidst many obstacles. I really don’t think we could have done it if we had not been doing CM. This website and forum have also been a wealth of information and encouragement. You came to the right place to start your CM journey!
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