Just starting CM education, what to I do with my 11th grader?

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    I am sold on a CM education, plan to move forward and just do it Smile  Not sure what to do for my 11th grader, all of a sudden I feel like I have no time left.  2 years just doesn’t seem like enough time.  What should I focus on?  Is there anything I should not miss, anything vital?  We will be doing TruthQuest History Beginnings as a family (Genesis – Ancient Egypt)  I am loving all the seminars and have purchased most of them, just feeling a little lost (lack of confidence) for my 11th grader.  Any tips would be greatly appreciated 🙂


    Have you looked at the Free Curriculum Guide??  That could get you started on what you may want to have your 11th grader work on through the year.

    You could check out the literature suggestions and decide based on what your student hasn’t read and what she’d like to read while still at home.

    Does your state have any requirements for graduation that you haven’t covered yet?



    I do CM education with my younger two kids ages 13 and 8 and I love it! I have an 12th grader this year. Last year I just had him continue with the type of curriculum he had been doing for the other two years of high school. This year he will be taking some online courses. Just my opinion but I wouldn’t change things for your 11th grader.


    my3boys – Yes, I have looked at and am using the Free Curriculum Guide, that is fabulous. 

    State requirements are easy to meet, I guess what i need to do now is look at colleges and narrow down what my daughter wants to do 😉

    Thank you for posting, this did put my mind at ease knowing I am doing what you suggested 🙂


    TLCmom – The problem is last year we did Sonlight and neither I or my daughter like it, in fact it was a real struggle for both us.  But, I lik your suggestion of just keeping things the same, all I would have to do is change history to TruthQuest, that should be pretty easy.

    Thank you 😉


    If you didn’t like Sonlight, I wouldn’t keep it the same. What did you/she not like about it?

    Language Arts the CM way requires a whole different way of thinking than most language arts. It is a much higher order of thinking than just read the paragraph and answer the questions at the end, and can be a challenging transition when the kids are older (BUT well worth it in my humble opinion).

    If I was starting CM with an 11th grader, I would plan to read the same lit books and go through the process of learning to narrate, and discuss the books with my child, so you are learning it together. I think that would make the process go more smoothly.

    In  order to make recommendations…

    How are your daughter’s composition and grammar skills?

    What have you done for Math? Science?

    If you have younger kids I would include your 11th grader in many of the things you do with them, as unlike skills, great or beutiful ideas can engage at any age.

    If you haven’t already, I think I would want to introduce Nature Study and exposure to classical music, Shakespeare, poetry and the great artists.  This can be as simple as just getting a set of CDs of the great composers and listening to them while driving in the car or during dinner or some other time that fits for your family, or reading a couple selections a poetry book once a week and spend a few minutes talking about it.

    For nature study, read the info on this site and just let her soak in the nature around you. If it doesn’t seem to be “working” at first its probably because it is so different from most of the other educational philosophies out there. Take a deep breath and read the info on this site again. 🙂 It *will* be OK. 🙂


    Curlywhirly – There were aspects of Sonlight history that celebrated things we do not think are good parts of our history (First birth control clinic, women’s rights, unions…)  It seemed to be more of man’s story that His story.  TruthQuest is all about His story, I think it will be really good for all of us and we will all be doing the same history.

    My daughter finished writing her novel, so not real concerned about her writing (composition/grammar) skills.  My husband is a technical writer by trade but, is also a very good writer in gerneral, thankfully between him editing and Andrew Pudewa she is doing very well in that area.

    For Math we use Aleks.com and that has worked very well for us for a long time now.

    For Science I have failed at this subject so, she is behind:(  This year I am enrolling her in Currclick’s online Live class for Aplogia Biology.  Her younger sister is enrolled in the Aplogia General Science which I will have my older daughter sit through also.  I am praying this will work really well for her, the price, time of class and location (home) is all good 🙂

    When i talk to her about a CM education it is the Nature Study, Hymn, Poetry, Composer and so on that she is so excited about.  We even bought sketch books and she is so excited for all that stuff.

    Just makes me wish i had this from the beginning, sigh.  But, I know this is all in God’s perfect timing.  We will be fostering to adopt 4 children in the near future.  I believe this type of education could be very healing for them.

    Thank you so much for posting, I am breathing now 🙂  Know that I am giving you a virtual hug!



    Well, it sounds like you have a good handle on things! I wouldnt worry too much about the areas you feel you havent done so well it. *Every* education has “gaps” since we are all unique and yet none of us can stuff every bit of information into our brains and retain it forever. It sounds like your girl has the tools to find out what she needs to know when she needs to know it, so she will be fine.

    I have 2 young adult sons who graduated from Home Ed (ecclectic, mostly CM by the end) and am starting K with our daughter this year. She and my 4yo son were foster/adopt as well. You are right that the atmosphere promoted by CM methods can be very healing, and I have found the habit instruction to be very helpful with the young ones. Foster/adopt can be a very challenging road. It will be interesting to compare notes as time goes on. 🙂


    No high schoolers here, but I really enjoyed reading some of these blog posts on CM for high school.   http://harmonyfinearts.org/2010/01/charlotte-mason-high-school-blog-entries/


    HollyS – Thank you, I will check it out 🙂



     I am just starting SCM with my 12 grader and we are going to do American History of his chosing. I do have a 13 yr old and 8 that will be joining us. I am excited but nervous and wanted to know what Free Curriculum Guide, is?


    tsuche – Here is a link:  http://simplycharlottemason.com/planning/curriculum-guide/

    This is found to the left of the Simply Charlotte Mason home page along with links to other great pages like, schedules 🙂


    The free curriculum guide is in the box under quick links that should show up on the left side of your page when you are looking at the forum.

    The curriculum guide gives gives you resources for the different subjects.  The resources aren’t all free but the guide is.


    How’s it been going?  I’d love an update. 

    I’m in the process of starting this w/ my 3 youngest, the oldest is supposed to be at the end of his 9th gr yr.


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