Just starting am I on the right track?

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  • tfigueroa

    I want to start using CM style in our home school. I have been pouring over this web site and learned so much. Dd will turn 14 shortly after we start school again in January. She is in the 8th grade. I also have a ds 17 in the 11th grade. My thoughts right now are for dd. I will start using SCM modules in the fall. Right now we need to finish up the Sonlight that we have already started. We have no experience with narration.

    1. One written narration per week from Story of the World and 3 oral narrations that I will write up. No narrations for Usborne Encyclopedia of World History.

    2. Make a scrap book page using pictures drawn or off the internet for each finished read alone book and read-aloud book.

    3. 6 week rotation for Poets, Composers, and Artists (I am going to start with Lewis Carroll) We will read a biography and one poem each day and do a notebooking page at the end of 6 weeks then move on to a picture study.

    4. Math U See Algebra 1

    5. Apologia Biology (As written for now until we adjust)

    6. IEW Elegant Essay and fix it (it seems according to CM maybe we should not do Elegant Essay until High School, but I was hoping to combine dd and ds) Any advise on this?

    7. Cake decorating class once a week


    Does this seem like an okay start? Too much, too little?




    My kids are younger, so I can’t comment too much on your plans – but I know it is generally recommended to do Oral Narrations for quite a while before doing written ones so they have time to learn how to do effective narrations.  I have often heard of about a year being recommended for older students to stay with Oral narrations….

    I know you indicated that you have looked through the site – did you see the free curriculum guide?   I also personally really like the “Planning Your Charlotte Mason Education” book (which is not free – although there is a free series on planning that is helpful on the blog)

    hth a little!


    On the poets, composers, and artists – we do with my dc age3-11 one poet, artist, and compser every six weeks similanteously.  We read a poem (or two everyday), we listen to the composer daily (during lunch or art or quiet times or driving, etc.) and we do one picture study of an artist every week.  It is not too much, and we all enjoy it a lot.  It is a fun moment in our day.  =)  So you don’t have to limit it to 1 thing every six weeks unless you feel you must.

    My girls did not like Elegant Essay, we tried it when it first came out and they were not fans, so we used EpiKardia Essay course in high school and prior to that written narrations and writing across the reading using a good English handbook – and that they really enjoyed and thrived on.

    We do the same as Sheraz with poets, composers and artists, it works well and we don’t find it too much.

    I wish you much luck and hope you really enjoy utilizing some of the CM methods:))


    yes, we do composers and artists at the same time, and have done poetry at the same time too, but have been lacking poetry for a bit…


    I was thinking of the roration for the rest of this year just to see how it goes. Then if all goes well we will do all of them at the same time net year. With doing Sonlight I just can’t bear to add more to our day. Which is one of the reasons that I want to switch. I feel that we just don’t have time to savor what we read even though we are reading some really good books.

    I also want to add in Nature Study but I am still unsure how to go about it and it is really cold here right now.



    Ah, that makes sense… although instead of rotating them, I’d start one this term, then add one the next….

    We did picture study for a year (it only takes about 5 min a week!)… then added composer study the next year…


    I can relate to the Nature Study with it being cold.  

    In general, we have a very light Friday… and if the kids have done all the schoolwork during the week, we do Nature Study (or occasionally something else like go to the pool…)  if they aren’t done, we finish up the schoolwork.  But we do have some flexibility, like if we have a very nice day weatherwise earlier on the week, we might go then and take advantage of it.

    In the winter, things like bird feeders near the window are great…  viewing snowflakes under a magnifying glass, looking at animal tracks in the snow, seeing how different places you were at in other parts of the year look in winter, etc….

    hth some!

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