"just so stories"

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  • moralesml

    Just out of curiosity… what is your opinion of these?  I may be too literal, but do you find it raises questions against creation?  Just wondering if any of you have read these to your kids and what kinds of discussions came up, if any.  

    Thanks so much



    Monica, my kids and I LOVE the Just So Stories! However, I am very, very clear to make sure I explain to them that they are just funny stories that were made up to explain some things.  I make sure my kids know how the animals around us REALLY got that way first.  If it means waiting a year or two to read them to make sure they are solid on that first, THEN they are extremely fun and entertaining “stories”  We sometimes have “just-so contests” and try to make up our own.  I think it can give kids some real insight into how some of the strange “false stories” came to be–in a roundabout way, I think Just-So Stories is a good “precursor” to read before tackling things like Greek mythology.  My kids saw the parallels right away.  Fun to be reading along in a mythology book and have a kid exclaim “Hey, this is just like a  Just-So story!”  🙂

    I heartily recommend the books.   However, if your kids aren’t ready yet and you worry about confusing them, then spend some time on the REAL story and then revisit the Just-So Stories later if you like.



    Thank you, Michelle!  That was what I was thinking, but I guess I just wanted someone back me up! Tongue out


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