Just so I'm clear about adding a resource in SCMO….

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  • Sue

    I wanted to add daily multiplication fact drills/practice/quizzes for one of my students along with their Math-U-See lessons. So, I added something as a resource that says that. However, I just want to make sure that doing that didn’t cause it to appear as a resource for everyone who would search the bookfinder using terms such as “math” or “multiplication fact.” I didn’t check the box that says to share publicly when I added it, so it should only show up when I do a search, not for other people, right?

    *Sigh* This scheduling thing is taking more time than I have….good thing I know it will be worthwhile, but my kids are getting the impression that we’re not really doing much schoolwork since I’m sort of disorganized at the moment!

    Jordan Smith

    Yes, that’s correct. Resources that you don’t share with others will still show up in your searches, but only for you. You can also find all the resources you’ve added by going to your added resources list.



    Thanks. I was getting a little nervous for a moment there!


    And, until the sharing feature is done – the things that you share…. only show up for you.  But once that feature is finished, wow will it be great!

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