Just read the 1st Little House book, which next?!

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  • danceandbeglad

    Farmer Boy is labeled book 2 in my set, however my ds12 says I should skip that one until after “Little House on The Prairie”, which is what he did. He says the library copies he read were numbered this way. My daughters are ages 5 and 6, and really enjoying getting to know Laura and Mary. This is my first time reading these books myself, so I want to do this thing right! Help, please! 


    Farmer Boy is usually listed third, after Little House in the Big Woods and … on the Prairie but we waited to read it after By the Shores of Silver Lake.

    If they enjoy FB be sure to also read the new book Farmer Boy Goes West which I thought was very nicely done.




    Little House in the Big Woods, Little House on the Prairie, Farmer Boy, On the Banks of Plum Creek, By the Shores of Silver Lake, The Long Winter, Little Town on the Prairie, These Happy Golden Years, then The First Four Years.


    I always thought Farmer Boy was number 2 too….   But as it is looking at Almonzo’s childhood, the exact placement probably doesn’t matter.


    Farmer Boy completely switches the plot and characters – it is the story of Almonzo and his family. So if your girls are really invested in the story of Laura and Mary I would continue with the books that tell their story and come back to Farmer Boy later. It is a great book, too, so be sure to come back to it one day!


    I got the full-color collectors version of the first six books.  Thanks for your help, ladies! I’m taking “Little House on the Prairie” upstairs now. DS12 will be pleased 🙂 And thanks for the book recommendation Shannon!



    Potpourri – No.  No it is not.  I drag my family every year to the Little House festival by my house to get my great-grandmother’s books signed by the TV show actors/actresses that are visiting that year.  And every year, I reread the whole series.  You are never too old for some Little House!  Laughing



    Love the series too! I can’t wait until next school year, I’ll be sharing them with my younger 7 children while oldest does her own studies in American History that semester.


    The April 2013 digital issue of The Old Schoolhouse magazine has an article in their Little House Legacy series entitled, “The Homestead Act–Beginning the Move West,” along with a sidebar written by Dean Butler, the actor who portrayed Almanzo Wilder in the television series. He writes about his continued association with Little House and the dvd he produced a few years back, “Almanzo Wilder: Life Before Laura.”

    The article is brief and informative, and you can read it here.

    Paula Spicer

    My dd didn’t like Farmer Boy, probably because it was about a boy. We quit reading it and once she finishes all of them she can go back and read that if she wants.


    Both my sons love the Little House series even though it is about girls! We are currently enjoying Farmer Boy!

    Everyone is different! 😉

    It is my first time reading them too! I LOVE them and can definitely see me reading these on my own! 🙂


    We are finishing up the last book in the series; These Happy Golden Years, and all my kids love them, even the boys! It has taken us about two years to go through the series as we have read other books in between but I imagine my kids will love to read them on their own too. I have heard that if boys don’t care for them much you can read the Little Britches series which is similar but is about a boy.


    Little Britches is also for older children. The story starts when he is 11 and goes for ~10 years I think. I read them all last year to my then 14yo son and we loved them!


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