Just ordered The Early Years DVD!

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating Just ordered The Early Years DVD!


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  • marmiemama

    Congratulations on the wedding!!!

    Anyone know the names of the other sessions that will be released on DVD?

    Jordan Smith

    The other sessions we’re working on are the ones that were presented at the Preschool through High School conference in Jacksonville, FL. Here’s a list:

    • Charlotte Mason and Her Methods
    • Learning with Living Books
    • Using Books
    • Using Things
    • Using Language
    • Laying Down the Rails
    • A Morning of Charlotte Mason Studies
    • Putting It All Together
    • Navigating the High School Years

    (Those session titles may change before the final release.)


    Sounds great! Especially excited about the high school one. Would LOVE a SCM publication devoted to high school subjects (essay and research sources, specific narration ideas for higher level analysis etc).

    Sorry if I’m hijacking! ☺


    Yes a high school dvd would be MOST HELPFUL!!


    Just watched the preview.  I haven’t wanted to make a purchase this much in a long time! I need to watch this seminar.  Now WHY oh WHY is it not available for download?  I’m not ready to buy my resources for next year but I don’t want to pay shipping twice.  Ack! First world problem!  LOL

    Doug Smith

    @eawerner, Have you purchased any videos for download from somewhere other than iTunes? I’m curious what the process was like and if there’s anyone out there doing it well. iTunes is the easiest buying process out there but they don’t accept instructional videos.

    I’d also love to hear how you would anticipate using downloaded videos, i.e.,  burn them to a DVD, play them on your computer, put them on a tablet or mobile device, somehow play them to your TV, etc. We did some testing a while back and our test audience found it difficult to figure out what to do with the downloaded video files after receiving them.


    Doug, We have only purchased movies through amazon which probably doesn’t help you much.  Come to think of it I don’t know that we’ve downloaded any of them though, we usually just stream them through the tv/dvd player, which came with icons/access to amazon, netflix, youtube, etc.  I’m guessing you probably know more about what that means than I do.

    I would most likely just watch the downloaded video on my laptop.  If I wanted dh to watch with me, I’m guessing he would use the hdmi plug to hook the laptop up to our tv?  I do have a dvd burner on the computer so I guess I could do that instead but I doubt that I would ever end up actually doing it.


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