Just have to share!!!

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  • artcmomto3

    My almost 7 y/o DD has always had a tender heart toward the Lord and the things of God.  She has always asked a lot of questions, but I had not led her to invite the Lord to come into her heart b/c I wanted to be sure she really understood what she was doing.  Today my little one had a doc appt., so I left her and her bro. with my parents, and my mom read today’s reading on faith from the Character Building book.  It got her to thinking about my Grandma who died 2 1/2 years ago.  Ever since her death DD has always been very in tune to Heaven after death and such.  So, after today’s reading she was asking my mom some questions.  After we got home my DD asked me, “Why am I not a Christian?”  We had a discussion, and she decided to ask Jesus into her heart!!!  She was so happy, and she has talked about it on and off throughout the day.  I know this is something that the Lord has been stirring inside of her for a while, but I believe today’s lesson just nudged her to make the final decision.


    Praise the Lord! How joyful!

    How wonderful!!  Praise Jesus!!




    Wonderful news, thanks for sharing. =)


    Awesome, praise God! 


    How precious – thanks for sharing!Smile

    Christine Kaiser

    Praise the Lord!Laughing


    Our 7 year old son asked Jesus into his heart yesterday, also!  He’d been asking questions for the last week, prompted mostly by recent baptisms in our church and our daily Bible studies.  It was such an amazing thing to listen to him pray –very simple, but very sincere.  He phoned his dad at work right away to tell him, then told nearly everyone we saw yesterday!  It is such a blessing to know that your child has put his faith in Christ –especially at such a young age.  I can so relate to you, artcmomto3, and I am rejoicing with you!


    That was a blessing to read! I’m thankful there are homes where a child can be nurtured in the admonition of the Lord and have parents that can help them to know Jesus as their personal Savior. 🙂  Very sweet, indeed!

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