Just drop the class/grade from report card/transcript and replace?

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  • Rachel White

    My son took a Logic class in the fall using Nance’s Introduction to Logic book. He struggled through it, due to curriculum and teacher style. He eeked out a 76.

    I signed him up for Traditional Logic 1 this spring semester with Memoria Press Academy and it’s already going better.

    Since Traditional Logic 1 and 2, combined with Material Logic makes for a complete course in Introductory and Intermediate Logic, and assuming his grade in TL1 will be much better than a 76, can’t I just not include the Nance course? He’s replacing it, after all.



    What grade was your son in when he took the Intro to Logic course?

    If he was not in high school, I wouldn’t include it on an official transcript, or perhaps you could just indicate that he was auditing the class   In all my years of applying for college and jobs, I have never been asked to show a transcript of work below the high school level, so it wouldn’t really matter what grade he achieved in elementary or middle school courses.

    When deciding what to include on a high school transcript, you need to look at whether he has enough credits in a given year between his required and elective courses.  If he has enough credits without that course, I see no harm in not including it on the transcript.

    Rachel White

    Thanks, Sue.

    It was this past fall, so his 10th grade year.

    I’ll just wait. I’d like to drop and replace with the Traditional Logic 1 score.

    So, I guess, we’ll see.


    Drop it and replace.  I don’t see any issue here.  Look at the first try as a trial or an audited class.

    Kids do many classes or things that don’t wind up on the transcript. In fact, dd17 who is graduating this May a year early had a similar experience with her first attempt at logic (9th grade) though hers was a teacher problem. She retook the course later and we used that grade.

    Rachel White

    I admit, I don’t understand the “audit” concept.  I keep seeing and reading it in posts, but have never seen it explained.

    Yes, last semester was a teacher and curriculum problem. I had to settle with losing the money I’d already paid for a spring 2019 semester of Intermediate Logic with this same teacher. But his peace of mind and natural interest in the subject was more important. He much prefers the teacher for and layout of Traditional Logic 1. It has much of the same material as Introductory Logic by Nance, but it is more clearly explained, slower paced, and doesn’t blend Material Logic and Symbolic Logic, like Nance’s. TL is mastery-based.


    Rachel, think of audit as a community education class or a college class without credit.  You go to learn, but aren’t concerned with grading. Just completely ignore it as far as transcripts go. Conversely, maybe your kid might try an art class or get into cooking just for fun and later realize this can make a “credit” for the transcript. Or maybe you do those things, learn from them, and consider it life experience instead of credit.

    I have lost money on classes multiple times for various reasons, but it was for the best.  Our original logic teacher was condescending and patronizing and sarcastic which my dd loathes.  My dd is very witty and sarcastic in a fun loving way, but an unknown teacher trying to be so doesn’t work well.


    For dd17’s transcript I made it with transcriptmaker.com simply because I liked the look and I would have spent a ridiculous amount of time making formatting perfect when it doesn’t matter so much.  I did hers by subject instead of year and we have MANY cumulative subjects. For logic, I simply put the class we stuck with and ignored the other.  Just because it was attempted once before, I was under no obligation to list it.

    Rachel White

    I use Transcript Maker, too.

    My son and his teacher also had a personality clash. And he aske for help about specific areas of confusion on several occasions and she just directed him either to the website or the book; neither of which was helpful.  He needed her to give some detailed answers. Neither one of us liked her requirement that he check his own work against the key before sending it in to her. He resented the extra time that took- he’d done the work and both of us had the view that she was the teacher,  it was her job to check his answers. I considered that as part of why I was paying her. Add on that the curriculum was unsuited to him and thus, an unpleasant combination.

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