Just 6 weeks of focusing on a particular poet?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Literature, Poetry, Shakespeare Just 6 weeks of focusing on a particular poet?


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  • Steph3433

    Do you all do poetry study, composer study and art study at the same time. Like maybe: Monday Nature Study, Tuesday Poetry, Wednesday Art and Thursday Composer? Or do you only do one of these per 6 weeks? Also, how do I get on the AO or HOD blogger you all mentioned here? What does it stand for?

    susie in ms

    Right now we are doing 1 per day; so composer once per week, nature study once per week, etc. Now poetry we do every day unless we need to lighten the load.

    I read a post from one person who had a day per week to just do composer, art, and nature study all in the same day.I like this idea too.



    I’m not sure if this will help, but here’s what we are doing this year.


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