Jury duty and need prayer

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  • Sue

    Okay, so the other day I received a jury summons. I looked up a few things on the court’s website and thought, “Yeah, I could sit for two days in one of the comfy chairs they’ve pictured in the jury assembly lounge, read a few good books, as long as I have someone I’m comfortable with to watch my kids. Then, I noticed the dates–three days before school starts for us! Not ideal….and after my autistic son overheard me talking about it, he is determined that I will not leave him behind!

    It would probably be easier to have it postponed for six months (the usual length of time), but they don’t always postpone just because you are homeschooling and can’t find a “substitute teacher.” I would not mind serving, but was hoping it could be later.

    Now, today my dad got results back from last week’s colonoscopy. He needs surgery to remove a section of his colon. We live in his home, and when health issues arise, I am generally the one to take care of him as my only sister works full time. So, I am asking you all to pray first for a good outcome to the surgery and also that the jury duty would be postponed so I am available to help my dad as needed.



    I am praying for your situation, and I am sure that the jury service could be delayed due to your father’s operation. Linda


    Okay so I have read that if you are the primary day caregiver for your children you can be exempt from Jury duty.  I would call the courthouse to see if they can exempt you from even having to initially show up.  They may do it, if not you can show up with your children in tow and they will see that this will be a hardship for you.

    The only time I’ve been called was when I was supposed to show up on my due date for my first child!  My ob/gyn faxed a letter and they exempted me.


    I was excused 13 years ago when I told them, as a nursing mom with a 4-month old, I was not willing to stop nursing, so they would have to either allow me to express my milk every couple of hours or allow me to bring her along to nurse according to that schedule. I’m picturing the look on a perhaps male court employee reading that before excusing me….Laughing

    We have addressed this issue before on a local homeschool board, and one of the moms said she was told by a court official that she would be in contempt of court if she brought her children along….yikes! Don’t they know a good field trip opportunity when they see one??? The injustice of it all, LOL!

    I wrote my response in the tiny few lines on the form they sent with the summons, mentioning the difficulty in altering my special needs child’s school schedule and leaving him with someone else plus my father’s soon-to-be-scheduled surgery. So, we’ll see what they say.


    You should be able to get out of it no problem with your circumstances.  I have gotten out of jury duty twice due to breastfeeding.  I also had a friend who got out of it due to homeschooling, although, I do think she tried to work it out but was unable to get a sub.  And the fact that you are taking care of your dad is another reason, so it should not be a problem to have it postponed.

    I’ll pray for your dad’s surgery.


    Agreeing. I’ve gotten out of jury duty several times for reasons relating to my kids and their care. Let us know what happens!


    Personally, I hate to be found using the phrase “get out of jury duty” since it sounds like I’m searching for ways to shirk my civic duty. It’s just not good timing at this point in my life, but if they want to call me after the children are done with school and pretty much on their own, you can plant me & my knitting in any jury box! Wink


    A lot depends on your state.  In mine, breastfeeding is no excuse.  I used to really worry about a summons until dh told me if I was ever called, just be very frank about being married to an attorney and my personal opinions on crime.  He said any attorney worth his salt would strike someone like me immediately and I wouldn’t have to serve.  Wink

    Christine Kaiser

    I know in Arizona you can be expemted from jury duty when you home school your children. Prayers go out to you and your father.


    Maybe you can be exempted because of your son’s autism? I have been exempted because my dd has type 1 diabetes and I am her primary caregiver. Her health woudl be harmed if I served at this point. Our doctor even has a standard form for this, They just fill in our names and I send it in.


    Just an update….my request for postponement of jury duty has been denied. They stated that the basis for my request does not meet their standards for excusal.

    Today, though, I realized that the kick-off picnic for our co-op is the same day as the first day of jury duty. If my dad’s surgery and recovery does not prevent us from attending, I am soooo looking forward to it. It’s in a lovely park with a pond, walking trails, just a wonderful place….and the chance to chat for awhile with some moms I don’t often get to see. Waaaahhhh!!!! I want my Mother Culture!!!! Waaaahhhhh!!! Cry

    Okay, I’ll get over it. I’ll survive. Undecided

    (Unless y’all want to pray that somehow, someway, I don’t have to go….I’m really NOT trying to shirk my civic duty, really I’m not…..)




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