Junior Ranger Programs For State Parks

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study Junior Ranger Programs For State Parks

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  • 2flowerboys

    I have from one of the parks that my dh and ds’s visited. A junior ranger activity book. This is from Georgia. But all the parks across the U.S. has the program.  http://www.nps.gov/learn/juniorranger.cfm

    I am excited for them to complete this book. It has a checklist for each activity..at 3 different levels. Once all these are checked off then you send in the form and the child receives a ranger badge!

    Here are just some of the activites in our book. Identify trees…Observe and Study Bodies of Water…Have fun outdoors(checklist of activites you did outside)..Wildlife…Observing Fruits and Flowers…etc..you get the idea

    There are a total of 16 activites for levels 1, 2, and 3. And then 5 more for levels 2 and 3. Levels are determined by age. Ages 6-12

    Thought I would share this. I think it is neat and exciting…something that the kids can do for school. Short but full of info!

    There is also a note in the book that lists where you can pick up the activity books…which is all the state parks in GA. So if you live near a park, swing by and pick one up. Or go to the site above for more info!

    Happy Rangering!! Is that a word?? LOL


    We have done that at different parks we’ve been to over the years. We still have a couple of the booklets on ds’s bookshelf. Thanks for the reminder. Smile



    Interestingly enough, I was at the Wilson’s Creek Battlefield in Springfield MO today and noticed that program for the first time.  I thought it looked like something my kids would enjoy.

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