I would think a 7th grader could do JAG pretty independently. If they’ve had very little grammar, you might need to help w/the start of each lesson. My dd needed help w/it, but she did it in 5th. I help w/the new lesson and getting her started. Some things she’s gone from there totally on her own. But some more difficult areas she likes me to check her parsing (labeling) before she diagrams (or the diagrams will have more errors). She was pretty independent (except for my help w/the initial lesson) until we got to Season 2 of AG (more challenging). Hope that was clear:) Gina
P.S. Oh, I think it would take a solid 30 min. or so per lesson, but we often stretch it….parsing one day, diagramming the next. But if a 7th grader is doing JAG, I would have them do a full lesson every day…probably under 30 min.
Well, I am no expert as we just started this 2 weeks ago with my 12-yr-olds. We are doing it together, but each day (so far) is less than 10 minutes. I read the page(s) to them that introduced the topic (let’s say nouns), then the next day we did Exercise 1 and corrected it, second day did Exercise 2 and corrected it, and so on. They could TOTALLY do this on their own, and I’m thinking I will hand it over to them soon, but for right now I wanted to be there with them to make sure they had a good start and so I could better gauge where they were and if they could do it solo. One of my boys might need a bit more teacher help, but I’ll just watch and see.
For now, they are pretty happy with it and cheerfully sit down for each lesson. It helps that they are fairly short lessons, or at least we keep them that way. You could have the child do more than one exercise a day if you wanted them to go through it more quickly, but I know that would kill it for my kids. Others might enjoy a faster pace and more challenge though.