Junior Analytical Grammar – A Question for Sonya & Others

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics English & Grammar Junior Analytical Grammar – A Question for Sonya & Others

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  • missceegee

    I’ve just received JAG and had planned to use it the first term of 4th grade (beginning in July) and then starting Latin for Children A when we finished. However, I’m thinking of doing JAG now in our last term of 3rd and just starting Latin in July. After that we could just parse & diagram a few sentences each week during 4th & 5th grades.

    We’ve finished most of  Serl’s PLL (orally) and she has a pretty good grasp of what we’ve done so far. I guess I’m wondering if there is a concrete reason to wait 3 months?

    I plan to use AG in 6th, 7th & 8th at this point. If that matters.

    I appreciate everyone’s advice and suggestions. Feedback really helps keep me on track. You guys are great at pointing out things I don’t necessarily see, so thank you.




    The only advice I can give is a 2 part.  One I really like the program!  Two is that for us we could not split this program up into smaller sections (the JAG that is).  We started by trying to do it only on Mondays.. but the time inbetween was to long.  So my only advice is to do it daily for the entire time.  That’s all I got, but I love the way it works and my kids are totally grasping it this time!! LOL Misty

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