Jr. Analytical grammer vs reg.

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  • meadowsweetmama

    I’m planning to purchase analytical grammer soon and am wondering if I use it with my 12 year old would I then need to use the regular version afterwards or would that be redundent? Thanks for any thoughts. Pamela

    Sonya Shafer

    The regular Analytical Grammar is the main course you want to use, in my opinion. The Junior AG is the optional one and covers only a small portion of the full-blown main course. I don’t think I would recommend using the Junior version and skipping the regular AG, but you could skip the Junior and use just the regular AG.


    Sonya, thanks for that input as I really don’t want to purchase extra items and waste time. Pamela


    If I opted to skip JAG (planning to go straight to AG later), what would be an alternative for 10 year olds?  I feel like we should be doing some sort of grammar lessons.  Thanks!

    Rachel White

    AngieG, have ya’ll done Grammarland? It would take about 17 weeks, done one a week and it’d be a fun break from previous, doldrum grammar texts. I have a 10 and 11 yr. old and they enjoy it (so does my hubby when he listenes in and I laugh out loud). It was previously used in schoolrooms in the early 20th cen.

    You can purchase it here:http://www.amazon.com/Grammar-Land-Yesterdays-Classics-M-Nesbitt/dp/1599153327

    or get free:http://www.hslaunch.com/mypage/userfiles/0/32796438915.pdf

    along with reading it aloud, there are worksheets that have been made for each chapter to fulfill the work “Judge Grammar” wants the pupuls to do:http://www.hslaunch.com/mypage/profile/525

    After that, ya’ll could use an all inclusive, CM style language arts curricula like, Intermediate Language Lessons, with it’s TG, for 2-3 years then use either AG or Our Mother Tongue, with it’s TG.

    There is the non-consumable ILL or some that have been redone and reformatted in a workbook style, consumable format. THose you’d have to buy one for each child, whereas the non-consumable they’d share and just write into a notebook-that’s what we do. If you’re already doing dictation, then you could skip those exercises; otherwise, they should be done for spelling, capitalization and puncution practice. I skip those in ILL because we use Spelling Wisdom 2x a week.

    Workbook format:

    Living books curriculum:http://www.livingbookscurriculum.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=LBC&Category_Code=Grammar

    HIllside (if your’re Catholic):http://hillsideeducation.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=82



    Sonya, I’m a little confused now, on the free curriculum guide under grammar it says to use JAG in grades 5 and 6, then start AG in 8th.  But your post seems to be saying to skip the JAG so what would they do in grades 5 and 6?  Thanks


    I think Sonya was just telling the OP that if she was planning on just using one program to use AG for her 12 year old. I don’t think that she is changing the original plan.  The JAG is a good intro to AG, so just follow the guidelines as listed in the curriculum guide if that is what you are planning.  =) 


    Rachel, Thanks for your post! I actually did see good comments about Grammarland last night.  I got it for the kids’ Kindle’s and printed out the first Chapter’s lesson sheet.  Very cute way to learn the basics!!  So much more fun than endless hours of workbooks. 🙁  I will look into the other resources you mentioned for after we’re finished with Grammarland. I appreciate the advice!  (Are you in the south somewhere?  I noticed you said “yall”! 🙂

    Sonya Shafer

    That’s right, sheraz. Thanks for clarifying. 

    With my oldest two, I used only AG because JAG wasn’t around yet. And I felt it was a good, thorough grammar course. So in my mind, it’s a perfectly viable option to use only AG. However, I know some people want grammar in the younger grades as well; so JAG is a great introduction for those who want more grammar than just three years of AG.

    As always, teach the child, not the curriculum. Smile

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