Jr. Analytical Grammar??

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  • yoliemiller

    I am currently using this with my 10yDD- 4th grade.  We are both struggling a little.  I am feeling tempted to look for something else, like maybe Easy Grammar.  Can anyone tell my why this particular grammar was chosen as a recommendation for SCM? I am learning to trust and appreciate their (SCM) suggestions and recommendations so much, so I’m guessing there is something special about it.  

    If it is truly the best out there, we will continue to muddle through.  I think part of it is that it doesn’t seem to click with me as the teacher.  Not necessarily the grammar part, but just the flow of it???  Don’t know how to explain it.  I feel like every time we get it out, I have to figure out where I am with it.  Not sure if this makes sense???  I know that we can work through these things if there is a good reason.  🙂



    I waited until 5th (dd had just turned 11), and she had already learned the 8 parts of speech when we started it.  Could readiness be part of it?  I didn’t have trouble following the content, but can see what you may mean about the flow.  It gets easier, I think.  I’ve never used anything else but JAG/AG, but like that it’s rigorous and to the point…not endless years of grammar.  That said, if it’s not working, there’s other stuff out there:)  Blessings, Gina

    P.S.  Since you don’t have to do JAG/AG all year, sometimes I”ll stretch it and do mark-ups one day and diagramming the next to break it up.

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