Has anyone used the Joy Hakim books as a supplement/guide for U.S. History? I have the entire set because at one time we were avid Sonlight followers but got burned out. I don’t want the set to go to waste and I doubt I will get what I paid for them if I try to sell them, so I want to use them but am unsure how to go about it.
If you go to the search area on the forum, there are 3 results from posts regarding her books. Apparently, they are quite liberal in their perspective. When I was at a local HS store, they were also frowned upon for the same reason. It seems to me from what I’ve read and heard, that her “history” accounts are part of the blame America first propanganda that is so prevalent in the governament school system.
I have the whole set sitting on my shelf, and I have read them myself – but did not use them in our homeschool except snippets to show liberal bias to my high school age daughters. We do now read liberal books when we want to see the other point of view – but I would not have used them when the girls were younger. Now they are able to discern and make judgements based on their own knowledge. I have them, but I wish many times over I had not wasted the money.
I agree. Hakim’s books are interesting to read and many people like them for that reason but her views are very liberal. I personally would either use them for the purpose “missingtheshire” did or get rid of them.
Thanks for all the info. I think I’ll go ahead and post them for sale on EBay. I’d never looked thru them and we switched from Sonlight before my son delved too much into them. He found them quite boring!
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