I am doing ancient greece this year, using the Joshua through Malachi SCM guide. I have now purchased two versions of “The Story of the Greeks” (the second being directly from Nothing New Press) and neither have chapter titles that line up with the ones listed in the day-by-day lessons from SCM. Has anyone else experienced this?
Hmmm, this is puzzling. The sample pages on Nothing New Press’s site for the Contents and Publisher’s Preface are exactly like the copy I used when I wrote the lesson plans. Can you give us a couple of specific chapters titles or lesson plan titles that aren’t lining up? A specific example or two might help us clear up this mystery.
After some investigation, I realized I bought the second and third editions. Though the third edition is published by Nothing New Press, it wasn’t directly from their website but from a re-seller. Now, three editions later, I see the note on your reading list that says “Fourth edition” and I have a great story to tell as I work with my children on the habit of attention ;).