joannarammell, Thank you!

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  • psreitmom

    I posted this here in case it helps someone else.


    Thank you for reminding me of Landmark and Woodin Math. The ed. specialist we met with a year and a half ago had emailed me the numeracy system to use with my daughter before using MUS. MUS ended up not working for her. We are using Math on the Level and I am wanting to teach my daughter regrouping. Although she seemed to be understanding place value from working on that in MUS, she seemed lost when I began teaching her regrouping in addition problems. When you mentioned Landmark in another thread, I found the folder that contained the numeracy worksheets and icons that I had printed from what the specialist had sent to me. Today I began showing my daughter how to regroup using the icons, and just after a few examples, it seemed like it was clicking! I understand it better now myself than I did last year, so I really believe this could be our breakthrough for adding with regrouping. It may even help her in counting coins. Using this never crossed my mind until you mentioned it. I’m so glad I didn’t get rid of it! I thought I had. So, thank you, thank you, thank you!!

    For those with children struggling in math, you may want to consider this method, at least for a while. The specialist had said that my daughter didn’t have number sense (at almost 10 years old) and this program is what helped her in that area. The icons(dots) seem to make more sense to her than just writing the numeral. I know Joanna put a link on another thread, but here it is again, if anyone wants to learn about this math system.


    I am so glad!

    If you really go into those resources it even teaches you how to write the numbers over the top of the icons so no confusion and flipping, how to get that ‘number sense’, how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide and get those facts to stick.  And I think it was on youtube that I saw the wonderful kinestic method of teaching time and the clock uses the whole body!




    Joanna, I can not find the video with the teaching time activity you mentioned. Can you help me?




    I found a lot typing in the youtube search chris woodin landmark clock

    There are some awesome videos here…Notice that he waits (sometimes quite a pause) for the answers from his students.  He waits for it…a mark of a master teacher!

    Remember that you can use the clock to teach/reinforce the multiplication and division 5 facts.




    Thanks for the links.

    Yes, I am working on ‘waiting for answers’Smile


    Wow! those videos were so helpful to me. I wish I had been taught that clock trick for multiplication and division! I will be tucking this away for use with my daughter that struggles with math when we get to that point. Thanks!

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