Jim Hodges vs. Jim Weiss Recordings

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  • Katrina in AK

    I’m thinking about ordering the Cat of Bubastes for MY listening pleasure for now, and for the boys, for later.

    I have several Jim Weiss recordings, and do enjoy them.  I’ve never heard Jim Hodges.

    Which is your favorite? Why? Thanks for your input!


    Well I’ve not heard Jim Hodges either, but Jim Weiss’ recording of Cat of Bubastes is FABULOUS!  One of our favorites as well among my lending library patrons.


    We have the Jim Hodges recording and enjoy it.  His are unabridged.  I haven’t heard Jim Weiss’.

    Rachel White

    Jim Hodges’ materials are unabridged and he reads them, professionally and interestingly.

    Most Jim Weiss’ is abridged and in a storyteller’s style, with different voices.

    I use them both in the home.


    We have recordings by both and Rachel’s assessment is right on. Personally, I prefer Jim Hodges voice.


    I may want to purchase this same audio book soon….anyone with a clear preference?? Oh, wait, RobinP has a preference, so just wondering if anyone has an additional preference?? And why??


    Hahaha…well mine’s not really a preference.  I’ve not heard the Hodges version.  We just really love Jim Weiss and this one in particular.  Weiss’ Hentys are “thoughtfully abridged” he says.  Henty can go on and on sometimes so Weiss took those spots and whittled them down a bit so as to better keep the flow of the story.  I think I have some of Hodges audios in the library that we havne’t listened to.  No one has checked them out.  Everyone loves Weiss.  I need to try one and see what we think.


    Thanks Robin.

    And, yes, please let us know what you think of Hodges’ versions.

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