Jack's Insects vs The Storybook of Science

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    My third grader will be reading a book and making her own science notebook this year.  I will do Outdoor Secrets with all three girls and she will have the additional task of reading books and pictorally narrating them, as she thrives on drawing and painting. Apparently, I failed to notice page numbers when purchasing books, because I ended up with two rather large books.  The Storybook of Science and Jack’s Insects.  

    I have been thumbing throug each one and trying to decide which would work best for this particular assignment…keeping in mind her age and the fact this will be her first year doing an entire subject (somewhat) independently.  Has anyone used either of these books?  Which would you recommend I use first, given our set of circumstances?

    I also have The Burgess Bird Book for Children and thought of using that one…Thoughts?


    I haven’t used Jack’s Insects but we did the Storybook of Science last year. We really enjoyed it. It covers a wide range of subjects which is nice. The bird book is obviously just on birds and I would think could become more tedious done straight through unless she has a particular interest in birds.




    Oh my, how can one choose? We enjoyed both but I have to say I fell in love with Jacks Insects – the clever winsomeness of the author is fantastic, very funny at times. Though my older ones caught more than the younger :). 


    Okay I just found SCM’s Jack’s Insect Narration and Nature Study book.  I think that might have helped me make my decision.  I think this book will be a great resource for our first-go-round with independent study!


    “Apparently, I failed to notice page numbers when purchasing books, because I ended up with two rather large books.”

    Tia, you crack me up. 🙂 

    Could anyone comment on which subjects are covered in Storybook of Science?

    Also thinking of using Jack’s Insects for my 11yo son … but was concerned that an entire year of insects might get boring after a bit. But this thread may change my mind.


    I am not going to remember everything but some subjects covered in the Storybook of Science are : bees, mushrooms, volcanoes, lightning, the ocean.




    My dd11 used storybook of science with a journal as her program for 5th grade. She read 1-2 chapters and then drew and wrote a narration. Her journal is quite nice. She did science 2 days per week. SoS is a great book.

    We read Jack’s Insects together lqst year and really enjoyed it. I wish the companion had been out then bc we’ve loved Outdoor Secrets and the companion for dd8 this year. I think it’s a great read-aloud and I’d love an audiobook version!


    The topics covered in Storybook sound interesting and varied. But the new book out to go with Jack’s Insects looks really good. Hmm.

    Christie which one would you recommend for my ds if he only has one more year before he has to start a more textbook-y science?


    Just a thought… why not have them read SOS just for fun on their own without any “school” expectations attached?  Then you could do Jack’s Insects as Science all together.  


    Right now I have my 10 yob and 11 yog reading one chapter per day.  I am reading the same chapter each day so that we can discuss if the topics naturally come up.  This is not their “Science” however.  We are doing other science together.  It’s just a book they read.  It’s a great book and I have learned so much from it. 


    Jenn, I totally agree…the topics in SoS are more varied and I could see really liking that. Jack’s Insects is 292 pages…Jack must talk a whole lot about insects.  lol

    However, I think the typset looks more appealing to an 8 year old and maybe a little less technical?  Is this true?

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