Itsy Bitsy Thing


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  • Christine Gayfer

    No big deal at all, but I thought I’d let you know.

    Our kids use the Flashmaster everyday to review math facts. It is scheduled ‘as is’ (ie no divisions), so I just always mark it as ‘worked on’. In the morning, when I am marking off what everyone has done before printing their schedules, I open up the little arrow and a huge long line of days appears because of this. We are at the point right now with my son that the line is so long that it makes the little arrow disappear on the left side of the screen, so I can’t click to collapse the line again. It is easily solved by going to another page and then back (it collapses itself). Just to let you know! Again, not a big deal at all.

    I would love to see a slightly different format for repeating assignments, like the flashmaster or piano lessons so that we could click ‘finished’ and not have to open a big line of days but the resource wouldn’t ‘finish’.

    Thanks so much. I LOVE this organizer!




    I add divisions to things like to piano. I add the division name “weeks” and add 36 weeks. That way I can check off worked on without huge long lines.



    Sonya Shafer

    Yes, with the new feature of being able to add past dates, the display is no longer limited to just a week or two. So those Worked On assignments can get unwieldy. I changed a couple of mine to have divisions of the months (May, June, July) so we can click Worked On for just those days and Finished at the end of the month. That way we will have no more than 30 Worked On dates’ boxes displaying at a time. If you add Week divisions, like Christie mentioned above, you would have no more than 5-7 boxes displaying before you could hit Finished and clear them out.

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