Nina, I pray for your husband’s safety and a successful mission trip, and I pray for you as well. Being a military wife I am well used to long periods away from my husband, and I do understand how you feel. Now my husband is retired but his job takes him away from home for 2 out of every 4 weeks, so it is worse now. Just want to say keep busy, have some fun and keep the home fires burning – that is our job while our men are away. Pray for him and be ready with a big hug and no complaints when he gets home. After all these years of practise I have gotten this down pretty well. When dad was away, the girls and I did special things, stayed up a little later, planned a nice meal for dad when he got home, and remembered not to worry him about things the minute he walked in the door. Have a blessed few days and I will say a prayer for you all. Linda